Tyler has a meal account with $1200 in it to start the school year. Each week he spends $21 on food

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Tyler has a meal account with $1200 in it to start the school year. Each week he spends $21 on food

    a.) write an equation that relates the amount in the account (a) with the number of (w) weeks

    b.) How many weeks will it take until Tyler runs out of money?

    Part a) where w is the number of weeks
    a = Initial account value - weekly spend * w (we subtract because Tyler spends)
    a = 1200 - 21w

    Part b)
    We want to know the number of weeks it takes where a = 0. So we have:
    1200 - 21w = 0

    To solve for w, we type this equation into our search engine and we get:
    w = 57.14 weeks

    The problem asks for when he runs out of money, so we round up to 58 whole weeks

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