Show various properties and calculations for 3/1
Fraction properties, decimal, percentage, and related fraction items
Fraction Picture
3/1 = 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3
Analyze Fraction
Numerator = 3
Denominator = 1
Fraction on a Number Line (3.NF.A.2)

Classify Fraction
Proper Fractions have Numerator < Denominator
Imroper Fractions have Numerator > Denominator
Whole Fractions have Numerator = Denominator
Since 3 > 1
3/1 is a(n) Improper fraction
Convert fraction to decimal
3/1 to decimal = 3
Convert to a mixed fraction
Whole Portion = Int(Numerator/Denominator)
Whole Portion = Int(3/1)
Whole Portion = Int(3)
Whole Portion = 3
Mixed Numerator Portion = Numerator - (Whole * Denominator)
Mixed Numerator Portion = 3 - (3 * 1)
Mixed Numerator Portion = 3 - 3
Mixed Numerator Portion = 0
Mixed Number = Whole & Mixed Numerator/Denominator
Mixed Number = 3 & 0/1
Long Division with Remainder
3/1 long division = 3 remainder 0
Click here for the math
Convert fraction to percentage
3/1 to percentage = | 3 x 100% |
| 1 |
3/1 to percentage = | 300 |
| 1 |
3/1 to percentage
Calculate unit fraction
Unit fractions have 1 for the numerator
and we keep the original denominator of 1
Calculate the fraction reciprocal
Reciprocal = | Denominator |
| Numerator |
Determine characteristics for 3/1
- Rational
- Irrational
- Natural
- Whole
- Imaginary
Fraction Check
Since 3/1 is a fraction, we use our long division decimal calculator to get 3
Natural Number Test
Counting numbers > 0: 1,2,3,4,5,...
Since 3 is positive and a counting number, 3 is a natural number
Whole Number Test
Whole Numbers are positive numbers
They include 0
They have no decimal or fractional parts
Since 3 >= 0 and it is an integer, 3 is a whole number
Integer Test
Integers have no fractions or decimals
3 is an integer
Rational Number Test
Check for integer or decimal
Rationals = a/b
where a and b are integers<
and b ≠ 0.
Since 3 is an integer or decimal from above, 3 is also a rational
Irational Number Test
They do not form a ratio between two integers
They are not an imaginary number.
Imaginary Number Test
Test for square root of a negative
Since 3 is not the square root of a negative number, it is not imaginary
Equivalent Fractions: Check if we can simplify our fraction
GCF (3, 1) = 1
Multiply top and bottom by 2
Multiply top and bottom by 3
Multiply top and bottom by 4
Multiply top and bottom by 5
Multiply top and bottom by 6
Multiply top and bottom by 7
Multiply top and bottom by 8
Multiply top and bottom by 9
Multiply top and bottom by 10
Multiply top and bottom by 11
Multiply top and bottom by 12
Multiply top and bottom by 13
Multiply top and bottom by 14
Multiply top and bottom by 15
Multiply top and bottom by 16
Multiply top and bottom by 17
Multiply top and bottom by 18
Multiply top and bottom by 19
Multiply top and bottom by 20
Final Answer
Numerator = 3
Denominator = 1
3/1 is a(n) Improper fraction
3/1 to decimal = 3
3/1 long division = 3 remainder 0
3/1 to percentage = 300%
Unit fraction = 1/1
Reciprocal = 1/3
3/1 is Natural
3/1 is Whole
3/1 is Integer
3/1 is Rational
Equivalent Fraction = 6/2
Equivalent Fraction = 9/3
Equivalent Fraction = 12/4
Equivalent Fraction = 15/5
Equivalent Fraction = 18/6
Equivalent Fraction = 21/7
Equivalent Fraction = 24/8
Equivalent Fraction = 27/9
Equivalent Fraction = 30/10
Equivalent Fraction = 33/11
Equivalent Fraction = 36/12
Equivalent Fraction = 39/13
Equivalent Fraction = 42/14
Equivalent Fraction = 45/15
Equivalent Fraction = 48/16
Equivalent Fraction = 51/17
Equivalent Fraction = 54/18
Equivalent Fraction = 57/19
Equivalent Fraction = 60/20