l Add 1/2 and 3/4

Enter fraction(s) below:


We want to add the following 2 fractions:


Denominator 1 ≠ Denominator 2.We need matching denominators

Multiply fraction 1 numerator * fraction 2 denominator.
Multiply fraction 2 numerator by the fraction 1 denominator

We add those 2 results, and get our numerator.
Our denominator is the product of the denominators of both fractions.

Fraction 1 + Fraction 2  =  Numerator 1 x Denominator 2 + Numerator 2 x Denominator 1
  Denominator 1 x Denominator 2

Fraction 1 + Fraction 2  =  1 x 4 + 3 x 2
  2 x 4

Fraction 1 + Fraction 2  =  4 + 6

Fraction 1 + Fraction 2  =  10

Reduce our fraction

GCF(10 and 8) = 2

Reduce the numerator by GCF

(1/2) x 10 = 5

Reduce the denominator by GCF

(1/2) x 8 = 4

Build our reduced answer

Answer = 5/4

Answer  =  5

Final Answer
