l Multiply 987 and 654

Enter 2 numbers for Basic Math Operations:

<-- Number 1
<-- Number 2

Use multiplication:

987 x 654:

Line up our numbers vertically:


Current result: 4 x 7 = 28

x        654

Show value = 8
Carry value = 2

Step 2:
Last step carry value was 2.
Our current result equals:
4 x 8 + Carry value of 2 = 34

x        654

Show value = 4
Carry value = 3

Step 3:
Last step carry value was 3.
Our current result equals:
4 x 9 + Carry value of 3 = 39

x        654

Show value = 39

New multiplication row:
Insert a 0 as our placeholder
Current result: 5 x 7 = 35

x        654

Show value = 5
Carry value = 3

Step 5:
Last step carry value was 3.
Our current result equals:
5 x 8 + Carry value of 3 = 43

x        654

Show value = 3
Carry value = 4

Step 6:
Last step carry value was 4.
Our current result equals:
5 x 9 + Carry value of 4 = 49

x        654

Show value = 49

New multiplication row:
Insert a 00 as our placeholder
Current result: 6 x 7 = 42

x        654

Show value = 2
Carry value = 4

Step 8:
Last step carry value was 4.
Our current result equals:
6 x 8 + Carry value of 4 = 52

x        654

Show value = 2
Carry value = 5

Step 9:
Last step carry value was 5.
Our current result equals:
6 x 9 + Carry value of 5 = 59

x        654

Show value = 59


Add up our results by column:

x        654

Adding up column 1, we get: 8 + 0 + 0
Our column sum becomes 8.

x        654

Adding up column 2, we get: 4 + 5 + 0
Our column sum becomes 9.

x        654

Adding up column 3, we get: 9 + 3 + 2
Our column sum becomes 14.
Since our sum is greater than 9, we will carry a 1 over for the next column sum.

x        654

Adding up column 4, we get: 3 + 9 + 2
Add carry value 1 to this column sum to get 15.
Since our sum is greater than 9, we will carry a 1 over for the next column sum.

x        654

Adding up column 5, we get: 4 + 9
Add carry value 1 to this column sum to get 14.
Since our sum is greater than 9, we will carry a 1 over for the next column sum.

x        654

Adding up column 6, we get: 5
Add carry value 1 to this column sum to get 6.

Final Answer

Answer = 645498