Convert the decimal to:
a fraction and a percentage:
The decimal point in 0.62 is 2 place(s) from the right.
Multiply 0.62 by 10 raised to the power of 2 = 100
Multiplying the decimal by 100 is the same as
shifting the decimal point 2 places to the right.
decimal ---> Whole number = 0.62 * 100 = 62
Take our whole number divided by our multiplier:
0.62 as a Fraction = | 62 |
100 |
Our fraction is not fully reduced.
Using our GCF Calculator, we can reduce top and bottom of the fraction by 2
0.62 as a Fraction = | 31 |
50 |
0.62 as a Fraction = 31/50
Percentage for decimal = Decimal x 100%
Multiplying by 100 is the same as
shifting the decimal point 2 places to the right.
Shifting 0.62 one decimal place to the right, we get --> 6.2
Shifting 6.2 another decimal place to the right
and adding a percentage (%) sign, we get --> 62
Ratio = Numerator : Denominator
Ratio = 31 : 50