Phonograms Definition

a symbol representing a vocal sound. Phono means sound and gram means picture.

Single Letter Phonograms for a

  1. ă = map
  2. ā = make
  3. ä = ball

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ai

  1. ā = paid

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ar

  1. är = car

Multi-Letter Phonogram for au

  1. ä = author

Multi-Letter Phonograms for augh

  1. ä = taught
  2. ăf = laugh

Multi-Letter Phonogram for aw

  1. ä = raw

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ay

  1. ā = tray

Single Letter Phonogram for b

  1. b = bat

Multi-Letter Phonogram for bu

  1. b = buy

Single Letter Phonograms for c

  1. k = cat
  2. s = cent

Multi-Letter Phonogram for cei

  1. sē = deceive

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ch

  1. ch = child
  2. k = school
  3. sh = chef

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ci

  1. sh = spacious

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ck

  1. k = back

Single Letter Phonogram for d

  1. d = dad

Multi-Letter Phonogram for dge

  1. j = edge

Single Letter Phonograms for e

  1. ĕ = tent
  2. ē = be

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ea

  1. ē = eat
  2. ĕ = bread
  3. ā = steak

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ear

  1. er = search

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ed

  1. ĕd = traded
  2. d = pulled
  3. t = picked

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ee

  1. ē = tree

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ei

  1. ā = their
  2. ē = protein
  3. ī = feisty

Multi-Letter Phonograms for eigh

  1. ā = eight
  2. ī = height

Multi-Letter Phonogram for er

  1. er = her

Multi-Letter Phonograms for es

  1. ĕz = brushes
  2. z = flies

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ew

  1. ö = flew
  2. ū = few

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ey

  1. ā = they
  2. ē = key

Single Letter Phonogram for f

  1. f = foot

Single Letter Phonograms for g

  1. g = big
  2. j = gym

Multi-Letter Phonogram for gn

  1. n = sign

Multi-Letter Phonograms for gu

  1. g = guide
  2. gw = language

Single Letter Phonogram for h

  1. h = hat

Single Letter Phonograms for i

  1. ĭ = it
  2. ī = ivy
  3. ē = stadium
  4. y = onion

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ie

  1. ī = field

Multi-Letter Phonogram for igh

  1. ī = night

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ir

  1. er = bird

Single Letter Phonogram for j

  1. j = job

Single Letter Phonogram for k

  1. k = kit

Multi-Letter Phonogram for kn

  1. n = know

Single Letter Phonogram for l

  1. l = lamp

Single Letter Phonogram for m

  1. m = me

Single Letter Phonogram for n

  1. n = nut

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ng

  1. ng = sing

Single Letter Phonograms for o

  1. ŏ = on
  2. ō = go
  3. ö = do

Multi-Letter Phonogram for oa

  1. ō = boat

Multi-Letter Phonograms for oe

  1. ō = toe
  2. ö = shoe

Multi-Letter Phonogram for oi

  1. oi = boil

Multi-Letter Phonograms for oo

  1. ö = food
  2. ü = book
  3. ō = floor

Multi-Letter Phonogram for or

  1. ō = lord

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ou

  1. ow = house
  2. ō = soul
  3. ö = group
  4. ŭ = country
  5. ü = could

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ough

  1. ŏ = thought
  2. ō = though
  3. ö = through
  4. ow = bough
  5. ŭf = rough
  6. ŏf = trough

Multi-Letter Phonograms for ow

  1. ow = plow
  2. ō = snow

Multi-Letter Phonogram for oy

  1. oi = boy

Single Letter Phonogram for p

  1. p = pan

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ph

  1. f = phone

Multi-Letter Phonogram for qu

  1. kw = queen

Single Letter Phonogram for r

  1. r = ran

Single Letter Phonograms for s

  1. s = sent
  2. z = as

Multi-Letter Phonogram for sh

  1. sh = she

Multi-Letter Phonograms for si

  1. sh = session
  2. zh = division

Single Letter Phonogram for t

  1. t = tip

Multi-Letter Phonogram for tch

  1. ch = butcher

Multi-Letter Phonograms for th

  1. th = thin
  2. TH = this

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ti

  1. sh = partial

Single Letter Phonograms for u

  1. ŭ = up
  2. ū = pupil
  3. ö = flute
  4. ü = put

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ui

  1. ö = fruit

Multi-Letter Phonogram for ur

  1. er = hurt

Single Letter Phonogram for v

  1. v = van

Single Letter Phonogram for w

  1. w = wall

Multi-Letter Phonogram for wh

  1. wh = whisper

Multi-Letter Phonogram for wor

  1. wer = worm

Multi-Letter Phonogram for wr

  1. r = write

Single Letter Phonograms for x

  1. ks = fox
  2. z = xylophone

Single Letter Phonograms for y

  1. y = yard
  2. ĭ = gym
  3. ī = by
  4. ē = baby

Single Letter Phonogram for z

  1. z = zip

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Free Phonograms Calculator - Shows the 75 basic phonograms of the English language

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Sounds which are blocked by the tongue, teeth, or lips in some way.
B, C, D, F, H, G, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z
a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.
a symbol representing a vocal sound. Phono means sound and gram means picture.
An uninterrupted segment of sound which is formed by the opening and closing of the mouth to form vowels.
A sound the is produced when the mouth is open and not blocked by the lips, teeth, or tongue
a, e, i, o, u
a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing that carries a distinct meaning


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