distance - interval between two points in time
Formula: d = rt
Free 3-dimensional points Calculator - Calculates distance between two 3-dimensional points
(x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) as well as the parametric equations and symmetric equations
Free Distance Catch Up Calculator - Calculates the amount of time that it takes for a person traveling at one speed to catch a person traveling at another speed when one person leaves at a later time.
Free Distance Rate and Time Calculator - Solves for distance, rate, or time in the equation d=rt based on 2 of the 3 variables being known.
Free Falling Object Calculator - Calculates any of the 3 items in the falling object formula, distance (s), acceleration (a), and time (t).
Free Gravitational Force Calculator - Using Sir Isaac Newtons Law of Gravitational Force, this calculator determines the force between two objects with mass in kilograms at a distance apart in meters using the constant of gravity.
Free Line Equation-Slope-Distance-Midpoint-Y intercept Calculator - Enter 2 points, and this calculates the following:
* Slope of the line (rise over run) and the line equation y = mx + b that joins the 2 points
* Midpoint of the two points
* Distance between the 2 points
* 2 remaining angles of the rignt triangle formed by the 2 points
* y intercept of the line equation
* Point-Slope Form
* Parametric Equations and Symmetric Equations
Or, if you are given a point on a line and the slope of the line including that point, this calculates the equation of that line and the y intercept of that line equation, and point-slope form.
Also allows for the entry of m and b to form the line equation
Free Map Scale Calculator - Solves map scale problems based on unit measurements
Free Number Line Midpoint Calculator - Calculates a midpoint between 2 points on a number line or finds the second endpoint if one endpoint and midpoint are given.
Free Opposite Direction Distance Calculator - Word Problem calculator to measure distance between 2 people moving in opposite directions with rate and time solved for as well
Free Point and a Line Calculator - Enter any line equation and a 2 dimensional point. The calculator will figure out if the point you entered lies on the line equation you entered. If the point does not lie on the line, the distance between the point and line will be calculated.
Free Real Numbers Calculator - This lesson walks you through what real numbers are, how to write real numbers, real numbers notation, and what's included in real numbers
Free Rebound Ratio Calculator - Calculates a total downward distance traveled given an initial height of a drop and a rebound ratio percentage
Free Set Notation Calculator - Given two number sets A and B, this determines the following:
* Union of A and B, denoted A U B
* Intersection of A and B, denoted A ∩ B
* Elements in A not in B, denoted A - B
* Elements in B not in A, denoted B - A
* Symmetric Difference A Δ B
* The Concatenation A · B
* The Cartesian Product A x B
* Cardinality of A = |A|
* Cardinality of B = |B|
* Jaccard Index J(A,B)
* Jaccard Distance Jσ(A,B)
* Dice's Coefficient
* If A is a subset of B
* If B is a subset of A
Free Stopping-Braking Distance for a Car Calculator - Calculates the estimated stopping distance of a vehicle given a speed in miles per hour (mph)
Free String Comparison Algorithms Calculator - Given two strings A and B, this calculates the following items:
1) Similar Text Pair Ranking Score
2) Levenshtein (Edit Distance).
Free Thin Lens Distance Calculator - Given two out of three items in the thin lens equation, this solves for the third.
Free Vectors Calculator - Given 2 vectors A and B, this calculates:
* Length (magnitude) of A = ||A||
* Length (magnitude) of B = ||B||
* Sum of A and B = A + B (addition)
* Difference of A and B = A - B (subtraction)
* Dot Product of vectors A and B = A x B
A ÷ B (division)
* Distance between A and B = AB
* Angle between A and B = θ
* Unit Vector U of A.
* Determines the relationship between A and B to see if they are orthogonal (perpendicular), same direction, or parallel (includes parallel planes).
* Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
* The orthogonal projection of A on to B, projBA and and the vector component of A orthogonal to B → A - projBA
Also calculates the horizontal component and vertical component of a 2-D vector.
Free Walking Distance (Pedometer) Calculator - Given a number of steps and a distance per stride in feet, this calculator will determine how far you walk in other linear measurements.
Free Work Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 variables, Work (W), Force (F) and Distance (d) in the work formula