exponential growth  
6 results

exponential growth - growth whose rate increase in proportion to the total number

A company has 3,100 employees and is expected to grow at a rate of 0.04 for the next six years. How
A company has 3,100 employees and is expected to grow at a rate of 0.04 for the next six years. How many employees will they have in 6 years? Round to the nearest whole number. We build the following exponential equation: Final Balance = Initial Balance * (1 + growth rate)^time Final Balance = 3100(1.04)^6 Final Balance = 3100 * 1.2653190185 Final Balance = 3922.48895734 The problem asks us to round to the nearest whole number. Since 0.488 is less than 0.5, we round [U]down.[/U] Final Balance = [B]3,922[/B]

A virus is spreading exponentially. The initial amount of people infected is 40 and is increasing at
A virus is spreading exponentially. The initial amount of people infected is 40 and is increasing at a rate of 5% per day. How many people will be infected with the virus after 12 days? We have an exponential growth equation below V(d) where d is the amount of days, g is the growth percentage, and V(0) is the initial infected people: V(d) = V(0) * (1 + g/100)^d Plugging in our numbers, we get: V(12) = 40 * (1 + 5/100)^12 V(12) = 40 * 1.05^12 V(12) = 40 * 1.79585632602 V(12) = 71.8342530409 or [B]71[/B]

Exponential Growth
Free Exponential Growth Calculator - This solves for any 1 of the 4 items in the exponential growth equation or exponential decay equation, Initial Value (P), Ending Value (A), Rate (r), and Time (t).

On January 1st a town has 75,000 people and is growing exponentially by 3% every year. How many peop
On January 1st a town has 75,000 people and is growing exponentially by 3% every year. How many people will live there at the end of 10 years? [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/population-growth-calculator.php?num=atownhasapopulationof75000andgrowsat3%everyyear.whatwillbethepopulationafter10years&pl=Calculate']Using our population growth calculator[/URL], we get: [B]100,794[/B]

Population Growth
Free Population Growth Calculator - Determines population growth based on an exponential growth model.

The flu is starting to hit Lanberry. Currently, there are 894 people infected, and that number is gr
The flu is starting to hit Lanberry. Currently, there are 894 people infected, and that number is growing at a rate of 5% per day. Overall, how many people will have gotten the flu in 5 days? Our exponential equation for the Flu at day (d) is: F(d) = Initial Flu cases * (1 + growth rate)^d Plugging in d = 5, growth rate of 5% or 0.05, and initial flu cases of 894 we have: F(5) = 894 * (1 + 0.05)^5 F(5) = 894 * (1.05)^5 F(5) = 894 * 1.2762815625 F(5) = [B]1141[/B]