Free Addition Equality Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Addition Equality Property Numerical Properties
Free Addition Property Of Inequality Calculator - Demonstrates the Addition Property Of Inequality. Numerical Properties
Free Additive Identity Property Calculator - Displays the line by line proof for the additive identity property Numerical Properties
Free Additive Inverse Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Additive Inverse property using a number. A + (-A) = 0 Numerical Properties
Free Associative Property Calculator - Demonstrates the associative property using 3 numbers. Covers the Associative Property of Addition and Associative Property of Multiplication. Also known as the Associative Law of Addition and Associative Law of Multiplication Numerical Properties
Free Classify Fraction Calculator - Determines the if a fraction is proper, improper, or whole.
Free Closest Fraction Calculator - Determines the closest fraction in a list to a target fraction
Free Commutative Property Calculator - Demonstrates the commutative property of addition and the commutative property of multiplication using 3 numbers. Numerical Properties
Free Conjugates Calculator - Simplifies a fraction with conjugates in the denominator
Free Continued Fraction Calculator - Shows the continued fraction for a fraction
Free Decompose Fraction Calculator - Decomposes a Fraction. Shows you the work behind decomposing a fraction
Free Distributive Property Calculator - Demonstrates the distributive property using 3 numbers. Numerical Properties
Free Division Equality Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Division Equality Property Calculator Numerical Properties
Free Division Property Of Inequality Calculator - Demonstrates the Division Property Of Inequality Numerical Properties
Free Equivalent Fractions Calculator - Given a fraction, this will determine equivalent fractions
Free Estimate Fraction Calculator - Estimates a fraction using a benchmark fractions of 1/2.
Free Factoring and Root Finding Calculator - This calculator factors a binomial including all 26 variables (a-z) using the following factoring principles:
* Difference of Squares
* Sum of Cubes
* Difference of Cubes
* Binomial Expansions
* Quadratics
* Factor by Grouping
* Common Term
This calculator also uses the Rational Root Theorem (Rational Zero Theorem) to determine potential roots
* Factors and simplifies Rational Expressions of one fraction
* Determines the number of potential positive and negative roots using Descarte’s Rule of Signs
Free Fraction Cancellation Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Fraction Cancellation Property also known as Cancellation Property of Fractions Numerical Properties
Free Fractions Calculator - Calculates things like fraction to percent, fraction to decimal, unit fraction, ratios, and more
Free Fractions and Mixed Numbers Calculator - Given (improper fractions, proper fraction, mixed numbers, or whole numbers), this performs the following operations:
* Addition (Adding)
* Subtraction (Subtracting)
* Positive Difference (Absolute Value of the Difference)
* Multiplication (Multiplying)
* Division (Dividing: complex fraction division is included)
* Compare Fractions
* Simplifying of proper and improper fractions as well as mixed numbers. Fractions will be reduced down as far as possible (Reducing Fractions).
* Reciprocal of a Fraction
* Find all fractions between two fractions
* reduce a fraction
Free Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Calculator - Given 2 or 3 numbers, the calculator determines the following:
* Greatest Common Factor (GCF) using Factor Pairs
* Rewrite Sum using the Distributive Property and factoring out the GCF
* Least Common Multiple (LCM) / Least Common Denominator (LCD) using Factor Pairs
* GCF using the method of Successive Division
* GCF using the Prime Factorization method
* Determine if the numbers are coprime and twin prime
Free Multiplication Equality Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Multiplication Equality Property Numerical Properties
Free Multiplication Property Of Inequality Calculator - Demonstrates the Multiplication Property Of Inequality Numerical Properties
Free Multiplicative Identity Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Multiplicative Identity property using a number. Numerical Properties
Free Multiplicative Inverse Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Multiplicative Inverse property using a number. Numerical Properties
Free Number Property Calculator - This calculator determines if an integer you entered has any of the following properties:
* Even Numbers or Odd Numbers (Parity Function or even-odd numbers)
* Evil Numbers or Odious Numbers
* Perfect Numbers, Abundant Numbers, or Deficient Numbers
* Triangular Numbers
* Prime Numbers or Composite Numbers
* Automorphic (Curious)
* Undulating Numbers
* Square Numbers
* Cube Numbers
* Palindrome Numbers
* Repunit Numbers
* Apocalyptic Power
* Pentagonal
* Tetrahedral (Pyramidal)
* Narcissistic (Plus Perfect)
* Catalan
* Repunit
Free Percentage of the Pie Word Problem Calculator - This takes two or three fractions of ownership in some good or object, and figures out what remaining fraction is left over.
Free Percentage-Decimal-Fraction Relations Calculator - Calculates the relational items between a fraction, a decimal (including repeating decimal and terminating decimal), a percentage, and the numerator and denominator piece of that fraction. Also calculates the percentage change going from one number to another or the amount increase or decrease of a percentage above/below a number. Round decimals. decimals into fractions
Free Rational,Irrational,Natural,Integer Property Calculator - This calculator takes a number, decimal, or square root, and checks to see if it has any of the following properties:
* Integer Numbers
* Natural Numbers
* Rational Numbers
* Irrational Numbers
Handles questions like:
Irrational or rational numbers
Rational or irrational numbers
rational and irrational numbers
Rational number test
Irrational number test
Integer Test
Natural Number Test
Free Reflexive Property Calculator - Demonstrates the reflexive property of congruence using a number. Numerical Properties
Free Square Roots and Exponents Calculator - Given a number (n), or a fraction (n/m), and/or an exponent (x), or product of up to 5 radicals, this determines the following:
* The square root of n denoted as √n
* The square root of the fraction n/m denoted as √n/m
* n raised to the xth power denoted as nx (Write without exponents)
* n raised to the xth power raised to the yth power denoted as (nx)y (Write without exponents)
* Product of up to 5 square roots: √a√b√c√d√e
* Write a numeric expression such as 8x8x8x8x8 in exponential form
Free Subtraction Equality Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Subtraction Equality Property Numerical Properties
Free Subtraction Property Of Inequality Calculator - Demonstrates the Subtraction Property Of Inequality Numerical Properties
Free Symmetric Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Symmetric property using a number. Numerical Properties
Free Transitive Property of Equality Calculator - Demonstrates the Transitive property of equality using a number. Numerical Properties
Free Trichotomy Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Trichotomy Property with 2 numbers. Numerical Properties
Free Unit Fraction Calculator - Determines the unit fraction for a fraction.
Free What is a Fraction Calculator - This lesson walks you through what a fraction is and the different parts of a fraction.
Free Words to Decimals Calculator - Calculates the following:
* The decimal version of the word
* Fraction version of the word
Free Zero Multiplication Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Zero Multiplication property using a number. Also called the Zero Product Property. Numerical Properties