Gaming Calculators: (8) lessons

Free 1 Die Roll Calculator - Calculates the probability for the following events in the roll of one fair dice (1 dice roll calculator or 1 die roll calculator):
* Probability of any total from (1-6)
* Probability of the total being less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to (1-6)
* The total being even
* The total being odd
* The total being a prime number
* The total being a non-prime number
* Rolling a list of numbers i.e. (2,5,6)
* Simulate (n) Monte Carlo die simulations.
1 die calculator

Free 2 dice roll Calculator - Calculates the probability for the following events in a pair of fair dice rolls:
* Probability of any sum from (2-12)
* Probability of the sum being less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to (2-12)
* The sum being even
* The sum being odd
* The sum being a prime number
* The sum being a non-prime number
* Rolling a list of numbers i.e. (2,5,6,12)
* Simulate (n) Monte Carlo two die simulations. 2 dice calculator

Free 5 Card Poker Hand Calculator - Calculates and details probabilities of the 10 different types of poker hands given 1 player and 1 deck of cards.

Free Blackjack Card Counting Calculator - This calculator allows you to enter a number of players with one deck of cards by simulating an opening blackjack deal using card counting methods.

Free Cribbage Calculator - Calculates the score you would get after the deck card is flipped in a hand of cribbage.

Free Lotto Drawing Probability Calculator - Given a lotto drawing with a Pick(x) out of (y) total choices, this calculates the probability of winning that lottery picking all (x) correct numbers.

Free Roulette Calculator - Calculates the probability for different bets on a roulette wheel including expected return on a monetary bet.

Free Roulette Cumulative Betting Calculator - This calculator displays the probability and return grid for a roulette scenario where you play x games, betting y per number playing z numbers per game.