4 results

rotate - a motion of a certain space that preserves at least one point.

A tractor tire has a radius of 24 inches. If the tire rotates one time around, about how many inches
A tractor tire has a radius of 24 inches. If the tire rotates one time around, about how many inches of ground will it cover? Use 3.14 for pi. A tractor tire is a circle. We want the circumference, which is the distance around the tire. C = 2pir C = 2(3.1415)24 [B]C ~ 150.8[/B]

An electric motor makes 3,000 revolutions per minutes. How many degrees does it rotate in one second
An electric motor makes 3,000 revolutions per minutes. How many degrees does it rotate in one second? We want to convert revolutions per minute to revolutions per second: 3000 revolutions per minute / 60 seconds per minute = 50 revolutions per second Using our [URL='']revolutions to degrees calculator[/URL], we get [B]18,000[/B]

Ordered Pair
Free Ordered Pair Calculator - This calculator handles the following conversions:
* Ordered Pair Evaluation and symmetric points including the abcissa and ordinate
* Polar coordinates of (r,θ°) to Cartesian coordinates of (x,y)
* Cartesian coordinates of (x,y) to Polar coordinates of (r,θ°)
* Quadrant (I,II,III,IV) for the point entered.
* Equivalent Coordinates of a polar coordinate
* Rotate point 90°, 180°, or 270°
* reflect point over the x-axis
* reflect point over the y-axis
* reflect point over the origin

ROT-13 Conversions
Free ROT-13 Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts ROT-13 (rot13) (rotate by 13 places) notation to standard notation or standard notation to ROT-13 notation.