Enter Simultaneous Equations:

<-- Equation 1
<-- Equation 2

Use Cramers method to solve:

3d + 8i = 64

9d + 7i = 107

Check Format

Equation 1 is in the correct format.

Check Format

Equation 2 is in the correct format.

Set up standards equations

Standard equation 1 = ax + by = c and Standard equation 2 = dx + ey = f.

Find a, b, c in ax + by = c

3d + 8i = 64

a = 3, b = 8, c = 64

Find d, e, f in dx + ey = f

9d + 7i = 107

d = 9, e = 7, f = 107

Step 1, calculate Delta (Δ):

Δ = a * e - b * d

Δ = (3 * 7) - (8 * 9)

Δ = 21 - 72

Δ = -51

Step 2, calculate the numerator for d

Numerator(d) = c * e - b * f

Numerator(d) = (64 * 7) - (8 * 107)

Numerator(d) = 448 - 856

Numerator(d) = -408

Step 3, calculate the numerator for i

Numerator(i) = a * f - c * d

Numerator(i) = (3 * 107) - (64 * 9)

Numerator(i) = 321 - 576

Numerator(i) = -255

Evaluate and solve:

d  =  Numerator(d)

d  =  -408

d = 8

You have 2 free calculationss remaining

i  =  Numerator(i)

i  =  -255

i = 5

You have 2 free calculationss remaining

What is the Answer?
i = 5
How does the Simultaneous Equations Calculator work?
Free Simultaneous Equations Calculator - Solves a system of simultaneous equations with 2 unknowns using the following 3 methods:
1) Substitution Method (Direct Substitution)
2) Elimination Method
3) Cramers Method or Cramers Rule Pick any 3 of the methods to solve the systems of equations 2 equations 2 unknowns
This calculator has 2 inputs.

What 1 formula is used for the Simultaneous Equations Calculator?

Δ = a * e - b * d

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 7 concepts are covered in the Simultaneous Equations Calculator?

cramers rule
an explicit formula for the solution of a system of linear equations with as many equations as unknowns
to remove, to get rid of or put an end to
a statement declaring two mathematical expressions are equal
simultaneous equations
two or more algebraic equations that share variables
to put in the place of another. To replace one value with another
a number or value we do not know
Alphabetic character representing a number

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