Maggie earns $10 each hour she works at the pet store and $0.25 for each phone call she answers. Mag

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 19, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Maggie earns $10 each hour she works at the pet store and $0.25 for each phone call she answers. Maggie answered 60 phone calls and earned $115 last week

    Set up an equation where c is the number of phone calls Maggie answers and h is the number of hours Maggie worked:
    0.25c + 10h = 115

    We're given c = 60, so we have:
    0.25(60) + 10h = 115
    15 + 10h = 115

    We want to solve for h. So we type this equation into our search engine and we get:
    h = 10

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