Norwood High Schools jazz band includes 33 trombone players and 27 trumpet players. Meanwhile, Lakew

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Norwood High Schools jazz band includes 33 trombone players and 27 trumpet players. Meanwhile, Lakewood High Schools jazz band has 37 trombone players and 28 trumpet players. Which jazz band has a lower ratio of trombone to trumpet players?

    Norwood: 33 : 27, is 33 out of 60 = 55%
    Lakewood: 37 : 28 = 37/65 = 57%

    Since Norwood is lower than Lakewood, they have the lower ratio or trombone to trumpet players

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