Given an equilateral triangle with side (a) equal to 19

Calculate the other relevant items in this triangle

Calculate Perimeter:

P = 3a

P = 3 x 19

P = 57

Calculate Semiperimeter s:

s  =  P

s  =  57

s = 28.5

Calculate Area (A):

A  =  a23

A  =  1923

A  =  361√3

A  =  625.27034153236

A = 156.31758538309

Calculate Bisector

ha-ma-ta  =  a√3

ha-ma-ta  =  32.908965343809

ha-ma-ta = 16.454482671904

Calc. Circumscribed Circle Radius

R  =  a√3

R  =  32.908965343809

R = 10.969655114603

Calculate Inscribed Circle Radius

r  =  a√3

r  =  32.908965343809

r = 5.4848275573014

P = 57
s = 28.5
A = 19

You have 2 free calculationss remaining

What is the Answer?
P = 57
s = 28.5
A = 19
How does the Equilateral Triangle Calculator work?
Free Equilateral Triangle Calculator - Given a side (a), this calculates the following items of the equilateral triangle:
* Perimeter (P)
* Semi-Perimeter (s)
* Area (A)
* altitudes (ha,hb,hc)
* medians (ma,mb,mc)
* angle bisectors (ta,tb,tc)
* Circumscribed Circle Radius (R)
* Inscribed Circle Radius (r)
This calculator has 1 input.

What 3 formulas are used for the Equilateral Triangle Calculator?

P = 3a
s = ½P
A = a22√3/4

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 6 concepts are covered in the Equilateral Triangle Calculator?

segment from the vertex of a triangle ot the other side of the triangle
Number of square units covering the shape
equilateral triangle
A triangle with 3 equal sides
The distance around a shape or object
Distance from the center of a circle to the edge
a flat geometric figure that has three sides and three angles
Example calculations for the Equilateral Triangle Calculator

Equilateral Triangle Calculator Video


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