A book publishing company has fixed costs of $180,000 and a variable cost of $25 per book. The books

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A book publishing company has fixed costs of $180,000 and a variable cost of $25 per book. The books they make sell for $40 each.

    Set up Cost Function C(b) where b is the number of books:
    C(b) = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost x Number of Units
    C(b) = 180,000 + 25(b)

    Set up Revenue Function R(b):
    R(b) = 40b

    Set them equal to each other
    180,000 + 25b = 40b

    Subtract 25b from each side:
    15b = 180,000

    Divide each side by 15
    b = 12,000 for break even

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