Leo and Zach went to lunch at a cafe. They ordered a spinach salad for $6.55, a tuna sandwich for $4

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, May 31, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Leo and Zach went to lunch at a cafe. They ordered a spinach salad for $6.55, a tuna sandwich for $4.75, and 2 glasses of lemonade for $0.85 each. The tax was $1.30. They gave the waiter $15.00. How much change should they have received?

    Change = Cash - Total Bill - Tax
    Change = $15 - ($6.55 + $4.75 + 2($0.85)) - $1.30
    Change = $15 - ($6.55 + $4.75 + $1.70) - $1.30
    Change = $15 - $13 - $1.30
    Change = $15 - $14.30
    Change = $0.70 or 70 cents

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