A celebrity 50,000 followers on Instagram. The number of follower increases 45% each year. How many

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Mar 25, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A celebrity 50,000 followers on Instagram. The number of follower increases 45% each year. How many followers will they have after 8 years?

    We set up a growth equation for followers F(y), where y is the number of years passed since now:
    F(y) = 50000 * (1.45)^y <-- since 45% is 0.45

    The problem asks for F(8):
    F(8) = 50000 * 1.45^8
    F(8) = 50000 * 19.5408755063
    F(8) = 977,044

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