The mean age of 5 people in a room is 32 years. A person enters the room. The mean age is now 40. Wh

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jun 3, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    The mean age of 5 people in a room is 32 years. A person enters the room. The mean age is now 40. What is the age of the person who entered the room?

    Mean = Sum of Ages in Years / Number of People
    32 = Sum of Ages in Years / 5

    Cross multiply:
    Sum of Ages in Years = 32 * 5
    Sum of Ages in Years = 160

    Calculate new mean after the next person enters the room.
    New Mean = (Sum of Ages in Years + New person's age) / (5 + 1)

    Given a new Mean of 40, we have:
    40 = (160 + New person's age) / 6

    Cross multiply:

    New Person's Age + 160 = 40 * 6
    New Person's Age + 160 = 240

    Let the new person's age be n. We have:
    n + 160 = 240

    To solve for n, we type this equation into our search engine and we get:
    n = 80

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