If 2 is added to the numerator and denominator it becomes 9/10 and if 3 is subtracted from the numer

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    If 2 is added to the numerator and denominator it becomes 9/10 and if 3 is subtracted from the numerator and denominator it become 4/5. Find the fractions.

    Convert 2 to a fraction with a denominator of 10:
    20/2 = 10, so we multiply 2 by 10/10:
    2*10/10 = 20/10

    Add 2 to the numerator and denominator:
    (n + 2)/(d + 2) = 9/10

    Cross multiply and simplify:
    10(n + 2) = 9(d + 2)
    10n + 20 = 9d + 18

    Move constants to right side by subtracting 20 from each side and subtracting 9d:
    10n - 9d = -2

    Subtract 3 from the numerator and denominator:
    (n - 3)/(d - 3) = 4/5

    Cross multiply and simplify:
    5(n - 3) = 4(d - 3)
    5n - 15 = 4d - 12

    Move constants to right side by adding 15 to each side and subtracting 4d:
    5n - 4d = 3

    Build our system of equations:
    1. 10n - 9d = -2
    2. 5n - 4d = 3
    Multiply equation (2) by -2:
    1. 10n - 9d = -2
    2. -10n + 8d = -6
    Now add equation (1) to equation (2)
    (10 -10)n (-9 + 8)d = -2 - 6

    The n's cancel, so we have:
    -d = -8

    Multiply through by -1:
    d = 8

    Now bring back our first equation from before, and plug in d = 8 into it to solve for n:
    10n - 9d = -2
    10n - 9(8) = -2
    10n - 72 = -2

    To solve for n, we plug this equation into our search engine and we get:
    n = 7

    So our fraction, n/d = 7/8

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