Max and Bob went to the store. Max bought 2 burgers and 2 drinks for $5.00 bob bought 3 burgers and

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Max and Bob went to the store. Max bought 2 burgers and 2 drinks for $5.00. Bob bought 3 burgers and 1 drink for $5.50. How much is each burger and drink?

    Set up the givens where b is the cost of a burger and d is the cost of a drink:
    Max: 2b + 2d = 5
    Bob: 3b + d = 5.50

    Rearrange Bob's equation by subtracting 3b from each side
    (3) d = 5.50 - 3b

    Now substitute that d equation back into Max's Equation
    2b + 2(5.50 - 3b) = 5
    2b + 11 - 6b = 5

    Combine b terms:
    -4b + 11 = 5

    Subtract 11 from each side
    -4b = -6

    Divide each side by -4
    b = 3/2
    b = $1.50

    Now plug that back into equation (3):
    d = 5.50 - 3(1.50)
    d = 5.50 - 4.50
    d = $1.00

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