A house painting company charges $376 plus $12 per hour. Another painting company charges $280 plus

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 24, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A house painting company charges $376 plus $12 per hour. Another painting company charges $280 plus $15 per hour. How long is a job for which both companies will charge the same amount?

    Set up the cost function for the first company C(h) where h is the number of hours:
    C(h) = Hourly Rate * h + flat rate
    C(h) = 12h + 376

    Set up the cost function for the first company C(h) where h is the number of hours:
    C(h) = Hourly Rate * h + flat rate
    C(h) = 15h + 280

    The problem asks how many hours will it take for both companies to charge the same. So we set the cost functions equal to each other:
    12h + 376 = 15h + 280

    Plugging this equation into our search engine and solving for h, we get:
    h = 32

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