l 4/15/1978
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The weekday is Saturday


The integer year is 1978


The month is April

The integer month is 4


The integer day is 15

Day Number

It is day number 105 out of 365 in the year 1978

Week Number

It is week number 15 out of 52 in the year 1978

Days in the month

There are 30 days in the month containing 4/15/1978

Leap Year Check

It does not fall in a leap year

Quarter Number

It falls in the 2nd quarter


It falls in the 20th century

Zodiac Sign

The zodiac sign is Aries

Julian Date

The Julian date is 2443614

Unix Time

The Unix Time is 261468000

Difference From Today's Date

Difference from today's date is 17,104 days ago

View the calendar
To see which Major League Baseball (MLB) players were born on 4/15, visit BarryCode