l Miscellaneous and Fun Stuff Calculator

Miscellaneous and Fun Stuff Calculators: (12) lessons

Free π Digits Calculator - Calculates PI (π) to a set number of decimal places using the Gauss-Legendre Algorithm.

Free Bingo Card Generator Calculator - This program generates the following two types of bingo cards
1) Random Numerical bingo cards 1-75 with a FREE Space.
2) Buzzword Bingo cards which allow you to enter words of your choice to be used on the bingo card.

Free Date and Time Difference Calculator - Calculates the difference between two dates using the following methods
1) Difference in dates using year/month/day/hour/minute/second as the primary unit of time
2) Difference in dates in the form of years remaining, months remaining, days remaining, hours remaining, minutes remaining, seconds remaining.

Free Date Information Calculator - This calculator takes a date in mm/dd/yyyy format, and gives the following information about it:
* Weekday
* Day number in the year
* Week number in the year
* Number of days in the month containing that date
* Leap Year (Yes or No)
* Zodiac Sign
* Julian Date

Free Dewey Decimal System Classification Calculator - Given a 3 digit code, this will determine the class, division, and section of the library book using the Dewey Decimal System.

Free Greek Alphabet Calculator - Shows you the greek alphabet and symbols used in math and science

Free Gym Class Team Generator Calculator - Given a list of players, this will randomly generate two teams.

Free Password Generator Calculator - This generates an alphanumeric password between a minimum and maximum character length that you specify.

Free Puzzle Master Calculator - A link to our friends: Puzzle Master has a large and unique collection of brain teasers; puzzles for sale. In addition they also carry chess,mechanical banks, puzzle books, magic trick books, boomerangs, etc.

Free Random Number Generator Calculator - This program generates (n) random numbers between a set of values you specify.
Example: Generate 5 random numbers between 0 and 100.

Free Sports Pool Generator Calculator - This generator produces the following two sports (office) pools with shuffled scoring numbers (0 - 9):
1) Blank Sports Pool: This button generates a blank sports pool grid with shuffled numbers
2) Sports Pool with Names: This sports pool allows you to enter up to 100 names which will be randomly dropped into the blank grid boxes from Option 1 above.

This is easily copied and pasted into a program like Microsoft Word so that you can format it to your liking.

Free What is my IP address? Calculator - This shows you your IP address of the device you use as well as a definition of IP addresses