<-- RED
<-- BLUE

Enter RGB

Given RGB = R:255, G:255B:255
Calculate hex code and hue.

Calculate Piece 1 of the Red portion:

Red Piece 1  =  Red - Red mod 16

Red Piece 1  =  255 - 255 mod 16

Check our modulus lesson
255 mod 16 = 15
Red Piece 1  =  255 - 15

Red Piece 1  =  240

Red Piece 1 = 15
In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 15 = F

Calculate Piece 2 of the Red portion:

Red Piece 2 = Red mod 16
Red Piece 2 = 255 mod 16
Red Piece 2 = 15

In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 15 = F

Calculate Piece 1 of the Green portion:

Green Piece 1  =  Green - Green mod 16

Green Piece 1  =  255 - 255 mod 16

Check our modulus lesson
255 mod 16 = 15
Green Piece 1  =  255 - 15

Green Piece 1  =  240

Green Piece 1 = 15
In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 15 = F

Calculate Piece 2 of the Green portion:

Green Piece 2 = Green mod 16
Green Piece 2 = 255 mod 16
Green Piece 2 = 15

In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 15 = F

Calculate Piece 1 of the Blue portion:

Blue Piece 1  =  Blue - Blue mod 16

Blue Piece 1  =  255 - 255 mod 16

Check our modulus lesson
255 mod 16 = 15
Blue Piece 1  =  255 - 15

Blue Piece 1  =  240

Blue Piece 1 = 15
In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 15 = F

Calculate Piece 2 of the Blue portion:

Blue Piece 2 = Blue mod 16
Blue Piece 2 = 255 mod 16
Blue Piece 2 = 15

In the string 0123456789ABCDEF
We use position 15 = F

Our final RGB to HEX conversion is below:

R:255, G:255, B:255 → = F = F = F = F = F = F

Calculate Hue for RGB = (255, 255, 255)

Since RGB, we are in the Red-Yellow region and the formula is below:
h  =  60°(G - B)
  R - B

h  =  60°(255 - 255)
  255 - 255

h  =  60°(0)

h  =  0

h =