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Profit Items

A florist buys roses at $3.00 apiece and sells them for $16.00 apiece. If there are no other expenses, how many roses must be sold in order to make a profit of $247.00?

For problems like this, we first need to determine a profit margin per rose (m) denoted below:
m = S - C where S = Sale Price and C = Cost

Plugging in our numbers and solving for m, we get:

m = $16.00 - $3.00
m = $13.00

Therefore, our profit margin on each rose is $13.00, and our profit target is $247.00
We need to determine the number of roses we need to sell (n), so we setup an equation
13 x n = 247

Divide each side of the equation by 13 to isolate n

13 x n

Cancel 13 from both sides

n  =  247

n = 19