106 results

10 students play tennis, 5 students play soccer, and 4 students play both. How many students are in
10 students play tennis, 5 students play soccer, and 4 students play both. How many students are in the class? We want Tennis + Soccer - Both 10 + 5 - 4 [B]11[/B] students in the class

175 students separated into n classes is 25
175/n = 25 25n = 175 Divide each side by 25 [B]n = 7 classes[/B]

175 students separated into n classes is 25
175 students separated into n classes is 25 [U]Divide 175 by n[/U] 175/n [U]The word [I]is[/I] means equal to, so set this expression equal to 25[/U] 175/n = 25 [U]Cross multiply[/U] 25n = 175 [U]Divide each side by 25[/U] [B]n = 7[/B]

175 students separated into n classes is 25
175 students separated into n classes is 25 175/n = 25 Cross multiply: 25n = 175 Use our [URL='']equation calculator[/URL], we get: [B]n = 7[/B]

20 percent of my class is boys. There are 30 boys in class. How many girls in my class
20 percent of my class is boys. There are 30 boys in class. How many girls in my class? Let c be the number of people in class. Since 20% = 0.2, We're given: 0.2c = 30 [URL='']Type this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get: c = 150 Since the class is made up of boys and girls, we find the number of girls in the class by this equation: Girls = 150 - 30 Girls = [B]120[/B]

24 students in a class took an algebra test and 19 of them earned a B or better. What percent of stu
24 students in a class took an algebra test and 19 of them earned a B or better. What percent of students earned a B or better? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], we have: 19/24 = [B]79.1667%[/B]

28 students in class and 16 are boys what is percent of girls?
28 students in class and 16 are boys what is percent of girls? Calculate the number of girls: Girls = Total Students - Boys Girls = 28 - 16 Girls = 12 The percent of girls is found by this formula: Percent of Girls = 100 * Number of Girls / Number of Students Percent of Girls = 100 * 12 / 28 Percent of Girls = 1,200 / 28 Percent of Girls = [B]42.86%[/B]

3/4 of the students went skiing.there are 24 students in the class. How’s many went?
3/4 of the students went skiing.there are 24 students in the class. How’s many went? We want 3/4 of 24. We [URL='']type 3/4 of 24 into our search engine[/URL] and get: [B]18 students[/B]

36% of the pupils in class 2 are boys the remaining 16 are girls how many pupils are in class 2?
36% of the pupils in class 2 are boys the remaining 16 are girls how many pupils are in class 2? This means 100% - 36% = 64% of the class are girls. And if the class size is s, then we have: 64% of s = 16 Or, written as a decimal: 0.64s = 16 To solve this equation for s, we [URL='']type it into our search engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]25[/B]

5/8 Of a class are boys. what fraction of the class are girls
5/8 Of a class are boys. what fraction of the class are girls? The total class equals 1. Since 5/8 are boys, we subtract 5/8 from 1: 1 - 5/8 But we can write 1 as 8/8. So we have 8/8 - 5/8 [URL='']Type this fraction operation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]3/8[/B] are girls

A 13 ft. ladder is leaning against a building 12 ft. up from the ground. How far is the base of the
A 13 ft. ladder is leaning against a building 12 ft. up from the ground. How far is the base of the ladder from the building? This is a classic 5-12-13 pythagorean triple, where the hypotenuse is 13, and the 2 sides are 5 and 12. The building and the ground form a right triangle. [URL='']You can see the proof here[/URL]...

a class has 24 people and 1/6 of them have blue eues. what fraction of the class has blue eyes, usin
a class has 24 people and 1/6 of them have blue eues. what fraction of the class has blue eyes, using 24 as the denominator Blue eyes = 1/6 * 24 Blue Eyes = 24/6 Blue Eyes = 4 Since 6*4 = 24, we have: 24/6 * 4/4 = [B]96/24[/B]

A class has 35 boys and girls. There are 7 more girls than boys. Find the number of girls and boys i
A class has 35 boys and girls. There are 7 more girls than boys. Find the number of girls and boys in the class Let the number of boys be b and the number of girls be g. We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]b + g = 35 [*]g = b + 7 (7 more girls means we add 7 to the boys) [/LIST] To solve for b, we substitute equation (2) into equation (1) for g: b + b + 7 = 35 To solve for b, we type this equation into our search engine and we get: b = [B]14[/B] Now, to solve for g, we plug b = 14 into equation (2) above: g = 14 + 7 g = [B]21[/B]

A class is made up of 6 boys and 12 girls. Half of the girls wear glasses. A student is selected at
A class is made up of 6 boys and 12 girls. Half of the girls wear glasses. A student is selected at random from the class. What is the probability that the student is a girl with glasses? 1/2 of 6 is 3. So we want the probability we pick any of the 3 girls wearing glasses. We have a total of 6 + 12 = 18 people. Our probability is [B]3/18, or 1/6[/B].

A class of n students was raising money for a field trip. They have earned $800 so far. Each student
A class of [I]n[/I] students was raising money for a field trip. They have earned $800 so far. Each student plans to work [I]x[/I] more hours at a wage of [I]y[/I] dollars per hour. When they are done, how much money will they have earned? Class of n students * x more hours worked * y dollars per hour = xyn Total dollars earned includes the $800 already earned: $800 + xyn

A classroom fish tank contains x goldfish. The tank contains 4 times as many guppies as goldfish. En
A classroom fish tank contains x goldfish. The tank contains 4 times as many guppies as goldfish. Enter an equation that represents the total number of guppies, y, in the fish tank. The phrase [I]4 times as many[/I] means we multiply the goldfish (x) by 4 to get the number of guppies (y): [B]y = 4x[/B]

A classroom had x students. Then 9 of them went home. There are now 27 students in the classroom.
A classroom had x students. Then 9 of them went home. There are now 27 students in the classroom. Take this one piece at a time: [LIST] [*]We start with x students [*]9 of them went home. This means we have 9 less students. So we subtract 9 from x: x - 9 [*]The phrase [I]there are now[/I] means an equation, so we set x - 9 equal to 27 [/LIST] x - 9 = 27 To solve this equation for x, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: x = [B]36[/B]

A committee of 6 students are being selected from a class of 10 girls and 8 boys. How many committee
A committee of 6 students are being selected from a class of 10 girls and 8 boys. How many committees are possible if three must be girls and 3 must be boys? We want combinations. How many ways can we choose 3 boys from 8 boys: [URL='']8 choose 3[/URL] = 56 We want combinations. How many ways can we choose 3 girls from 10 girls: [URL='']10 choose 3[/URL] = 120 Our total choices are found by multiplying each event: Total committees = (8 boys choose 3) * (10 girls choose 3) Total committees = 56 * 120 Total committees = [B]6,720[/B]

A gym has yoga classes. Each class has 11 students. If there are c classes, write an equation to rep
A gym has yoga classes. Each class has 11 students. If there are c classes, write an equation to represent the total number of students s taking yoga. Total students is the number of classes times the number of students in each class: [B]s = 11c[/B]

A gym has yoga classes. Each class has 14 students. If there are c classes write an equation to repr
A gym has yoga classes. Each class has 14 students. If there are c classes write an equation to represent the total number of students s taking yoga s = students per class * number of classes [B]s = 14c[/B]

A high school graduating class is made up of 440 students. There are 168 more girls than boys. How m
A high school graduating class is made up of 440 students. There are 168 more girls than boys. How many boys are in the class? Let b be the number of boys and g be the number of girls. We're given 2 equations: [LIST=1] [*]b + g = 440 [*]g = b + 168 [/LIST] Substitute (2) into (1) b + (b + 168) = 440 Combine like terms: 2b + 168 = 440 [URL='']Type this equation into the search engine[/URL], and we get: [B]b = 136[/B]

A high school with 1000 students offers two foreign language courses : French and Japanese. There ar
A high school with 1000 students offers two foreign language courses : French and Japanese. There are 200 students in the French class roster, and 80 students in the Japanese class roster. We also know that 30 students enroll in both courses. Find the probability that a random selected student takes neither foreign language course. Let F be the event a student takes French and J be the event a student takes Japanese P(F) = 200/1000 = 0.2 P(J) = 80/1000 = 0.08 P(F ∩ J) = 30/1000 = 0.03 From our [URL='']two event calculator[/URL], we get P(F U J) = 0.25 So we want P(F U J)^C = 1 - P(F U J) = 1 - 0.25 = [B]0.75[/B]

A local college classifies its students by major, year (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) and sex
A local college classifies its students by major, year (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) and sex (M, F). If the college offers 20 majors, how many combinations are possible? We have 20 majors, 4 grade levels, and 2 sexes. The total combinations = 20 * 4 * 2 = [B]160[/B]

A Math teacher gives one test a week to his class of 31 students. Estimate the number of tests the t
A Math teacher gives one test a week to his class of 31 students. Estimate the number of tests the teacher will mark in 39 weeks. 31 students * 1 test per week * 39 weeks = [B]1,209 tests[/B]

A pound of popcorn is popped for a class party. The popped corn is put into small popcorn boxes that
A pound of popcorn is popped for a class party. The popped corn is put into small popcorn boxes that each hold 120 popped kernels. There are 1,600 kernels in a pound of unpopped popcorn. If all the boxes are filled except for the last box, how many boxes are needed and how many popped kernels are in the last partially filled box? Using modulus calculator, we know [URL='']1600 mod 120[/URL] gives us [B]13 full boxes[/B] of unpopped popcorn. We also know that 13*120 = 1,560. Which means we have 1,600 - 1,560 = [B]40[/B] popped kernels left in the last box. FB Live: [URL=''][/URL]

A quarter of the learners in a class have blond hair and two thirds have brown hair. The rest of the
A quarter of the learners in a class have blond hair and two thirds have brown hair. The rest of the learners in the class have black hair. How many learners in the class if 9 of them have blonde hair? Total learners = Blond + Brown + Black Total Learners = 1/4 + 2/3 + Black Total Learners will be 1, the sum of all fractions 1/4 + 2/3 + Black = 1 Using common denominators of 12, we have: 3/12 + 8/12 + Black = 12/12 11/12 + Black = 12/12 Subtract 11/12 from each side: Black = 1/12 Let t be the total number of people in class. We are given for blondes: 1/4t = 9 Multiply each side by 4 [B]t = 36[/B] Brown Hair 2/3(36) = 24 Black Hair 1/12(36) = 3

A random sample of 25 customers was chosen in CCP MiniMart between 3:00 and 4:00 PM on a Friday afte
A random sample of 25 customers was chosen in CCP MiniMart between 3:00 and 4:00 PM on a Friday afternoon. The frequency distribution below shows the distribution for checkout time (in minutes). Checkout Time (in minutes) | Frequency | Relative Frequency 1.0 - 1.9 | 2 | ? 2.0 - 2.9 | 8 | ? 3.0 - 3.9 | ? | ? 4.0 - 5.9 | 5 | ? Total | 25 | ? (a) Complete the frequency table with frequency and relative frequency. (b) What percentage of the checkout times was less than 3 minutes? (c)In what class interval must the median lie? Explain your answer. (d) Assume that the largest observation in this dataset is 5.8. Suppose this observation were incorrectly recorded as 8.5 instead of 5.8. Will the mean increase, decrease, or remain the same? Will the median increase, decrease or remain the same? Why? (a) [B]Checkout Time (in minutes) | Frequency | Relative Frequency 1.0 - 1.9 | 2 | 2/25 2.0 - 2.9 | 8 | 8/25 3.0 - 3.9 | 10 (since 25 - 5 + 8 + 2) = 10 | 10/25 4.0 - 5.9 | 5 | 5/25 Total | 25 | ?[/B] (b) (2 + 8)/25 = 10/25 = [B]40%[/B] c) [B]3.0 - 3.9[/B] since 2 + 8 + 10 + 5 = 25 and 13 is the middle value which occurs in the 3.0 - 3.9 interval (d) [B]Mean increases[/B] since it's a higher value than usual. Median would not change as the median is the most frequent distribution and assuming the 5.8 is only recorded once.

A recent survey showed that 44% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desir
A recent survey showed that 44% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desire employment benefit. In a graduating class of 870 college students, how many would you expect to rank flexible hours as their top priority in job benefits? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], 44% of 870 = 382.8 ~ [B]383[/B]

A recent survey showed that 49% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desir
A recent survey showed that 49% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desire employment benefit. In a graduating class of 820 college students, how many would you expect to rank flexible hours as their top priority in job benefits? 49% of 820, using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], we get: 401.8 ~ [B]402[/B]

A sewing class has 205 yards off a bric to make quilts. Each quilt requires 7 yards off a bric. How
A sewing class has 205 yards off a bric to make quilts. Each quilt requires 7 yards off a bric. How much will remain after all the quilts are made? Calculate the number of full quilts: 205/7 = 29.2857 so 29 full quilts. 29 * 7 = 203 205 - 203 = [B]2 yards remaining[/B]. You can also use the [URL='']modulus calculator[/URL]

A student hypothesized that girls in his class had the same blood pressure levels as boys. The proba
A student hypothesized that girls in his class had the same blood pressure levels as boys. The probability value for his null hypothesis was 0.15. So he concluded that the blood pressures of the girls were higher than boys'. Which kind of mistake did he make? a. Type I error b. Type II error c. Type I and Type II error d. He did not make any mistake [B]d. He did not make any mistake[/B] [I]p value is high, especially using a significance level of 0.05[/I]

A teacher hypothesized that in her class, grades of girls on a chemistry test were the same as grade
A teacher hypothesized that in her class, grades of girls on a chemistry test were the same as grades of boys. If the probability value of her null hypothesis was 0.56, it suggested: a. We failed to reject the null hypothesis b. Boys' grades were higher than girls' grades c. Girls' grades were higher than boys' grades d. The null hypothesis was rejected [B]a. We failed to reject the null hypothesis[/B] Due to a high probability.

A yoga member ship costs $16 and additional $7 per class. Write a linear equation modeling the cost
A yoga member ship costs $16 and additional $7 per class. Write a linear equation modeling the cost of a yoga membership? Set up the cost function M(c) for classes (c) [B]M(c) = 16 + 7c[/B]

After 20 minutes, Juan had completed 12 questions, which is 0.7 of his assignment. What percent of t
After 20 minutes, Juan had completed 12 questions, which is 0.7 of his assignment. What percent of the assignment has Juan NOT completed? We know that 0.7 as a percentage is: 0.7 * 100% = 70% In this problem, we have either or. Juan either completed the question or DID NOT complete the question. 100% of questions has one of two classifications - Completed or not completed. This means Juan did not complete the following amount of questions: 100% - 70% = [B]30%[/B]

alex burns approximately 650 calories in a 1.25-hour game. Daniellle enjoys kickboxing and burns app
alex burns approximately 650 calories in a 1.25-hour game. Daniellle enjoys kickboxing and burns approximately 420 calories in 45 minute class. who burns calories at the higher rate? We want a calories to minutes measure. [LIST] [*][URL='']1.25 hours[/URL] = 75 minutes [/LIST] Alexa's unit calorie burn: 650/75 = 8.67 Danielle's unit calorie burn: 420/45 = 9.33 So [B]Danielle[/B] burns calories at a higher rate.

Amar goes to the dance class every fourth day. Karan goes to the dance class every fifth day. Both m
Amar goes to the dance class every fourth day. Karan goes to the dance class every fifth day. Both met at the dance class today. After how many days will they meet at the dance class again? We want the least common multiple of 4 and 5. We type in [URL='']LCM(4,5)[/URL] into our search engine and we get [B]20. So 20 days from now, Amar and Karen will meet again.[/B]

Assume that in your Abnormal Psychology class you have earned test scores of 74%, 78%, and 63%, and
Assume that in your Abnormal Psychology class you have earned test scores of 74%, 78%, and 63%, and only one test remains. If you need a mean score of 80% to earn a B for you final grade, is it possible for you to accomplish this? Assume there is no extra credit. Show work and explain why or why not. Hint: you're taking 4 tests total. Using our [URL='']missing average calculator with our 3 given scores and target average[/URL], we get: A 4th score needed of 105. Since the most you can score on an exam is 100, [B][I]this is impossible[/I][/B].

assume your math class has 10 sophomores and 7 juniors. there are 3 female sophomores and 4 male jun
assume your math class has 10 sophomores and 7 juniors. there are 3 female sophomores and 4 male juniors. what is the probability of randomly selecting a student who is a female or a junior [U]Sophomores:[/U] 10 sophomores: 3 female male = 10 - 3 = 7 [U]Juniors:[/U] 7 juniors 4 males female = 7 - 4 = 3 [U]Females:[/U] Total Females = Female Sophomores + Female Juniors Total Females = 3 + 3 Total Females = 6 [U]Total Students:[/U] Total Students = Total Sophomores + Total Juniors Total Students = 10 + 7 Total Students = 17 [U]We want P(female or Junior). We use the formula below to avoid duplicates:[/U] P(female or Junior) = P(female) + P(junior) - P(female and junior) P(female or Junior) = Total Females / Total Students + Total Juniors / Total Students - Total Female Juniors / Total Students P(female or Junior) = 6/17 + 7/17 - 3/17 P(female or Junior) = [B]10/17[/B]

At a homecoming football game, the senior class sold slices of pizza for $.75 each and hamburgers fo
At a homecoming football game, the senior class sold slices of pizza for $.75 each and hamburgers for $1.35 each. They sold 40 more slices of pizza than hamburgers, and sales totaled $292.5. How many slices of pizza did they sell Let the number of pizza slices be p and the number of hamburgers be h. We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]p = h + 40 [*]1.35h + 0.75p = 292.50 [/LIST] [I]Substitute[/I] equation (1) into equation (2) for p: 1.35h + 0.75(h + 40) = 292.50 1.35h + 0.75h + 30 = 292.50 2.10h + 30 = 292.50 To solve for h, we [URL='']plug this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: h = 125 The problem asks for number of pizza slices sold (p). So we substitute our value above of h = 125 into equation (1): p = 125 + 40 p = [B]165[/B]

At a local fitness center, members pay a $10 membership fee and $3 for each aerobics class. Nonme
At a local fitness center, members pay a $10 membership fee and $3 for each aerobics class. Nonmembers pay $5 for each aerobics class. For what number of aerobics classes will the cost for members and nonmembers be the same? Set up the cost functions where x is the number of aerobics classes: [LIST] [*]Members: C(x) = 10 + 3x [*]Non-members: C(x) = 5x [/LIST] Set them equal to each other 10 + 3x = 5x Subtract 3x from both sides: 2x = 10 Divide each side by 2 [B]x = 5 classes[/B]

At a local fitness center, members pay an $8 membership fee and $3 for each aerobics class. Nonmembe
At a local fitness center, members pay an $8 membership fee and $3 for each aerobics class. Nonmembers pay $5 for each aerobics class. For what number of aerobics classes will the cost for members be equal to nonmembers? Set up two cost equations C(x): [LIST=1] [*]Members: C(x) = 8 + 3x [*]Nonmembers: C(x) = 5x [/LIST] Set the two cost equations equal to each other: 8 + 3x = 5x Subtract 3x from each side 2x = 8 Divide each side by 2 [B]x = 4[/B]

Blake and Tatsu are each assigned a paper for a class they share. Blake decides to write 4 pages at
Blake and Tatsu are each assigned a paper for a class they share. Blake decides to write 4 pages at a time while Tatsu decides to write 7 pages at a time. If they end up writing the same number of pages, what is the smallest number of pages that the papers could have had? We want the least common multiple of 4 and 7, written as LCM(4, 7). Using our [URL='']LCM Calculator[/URL], we get: LCM(4, 7) = [B]28 pages[/B]

Chris walks 12 blocks north and then 16 blocks East. How far is his home from the park
Chris walks 12 blocks north and then 16 blocks East. How far is his home from the park We've got a right triangle. If we divide 12 and 16 by 4, we get: 12/4 = 3 16/4 = 4 Since the hypotenuse is the distance from the home to the park, we have a classic 3-4-5 right triangle. So our hypotenuse is 5*4 = [B]20[/B]

Class A has 8 pupils and class B has 10 pupils. Both classes sit the same maths test. The mean sco
Class A has 8 pupils and class B has 10 pupils. Both classes sit the same maths test. The mean score for class A is 55. The mean score for both classes is 76. What is the mean score (rounded to 1 DP) in the maths test for class B Mean of the sum equals the sum of the means. U(A + B) = U(A) + U(B) 76 = 55 + U(B) Subtract 55 from each side, we get: [B]U(B) = 21[/B]

Class Frequency Goodness of Fit
Free Class Frequency Goodness of Fit Calculator - Performs a goodness of fit test on a set of data with class boundaries (class boundary) with critical value test and conclusion.

Classify Fraction
Free Classify Fraction Calculator - Determines the if a fraction is proper, improper, or whole.

Connie’s kindergarten class has 24 children. She wants them to get into 4 equal groups. How many chi
Connie’s kindergarten class has 24 children. She wants them to get into 4 equal groups. How many children will she put in each group? We take 24 children divided by 4 equal groups = 24/4 24/4 = [B]6 children per group[/B]

Dedra took a total of 6 pages of notes during 2 hours of class. After attending 3 hours of class, ho
Dedra took a total of 6 pages of notes during 2 hours of class. After attending 3 hours of class, how many total pages of notes will Dedra have in her notebook? Set up a proportion of pages of notes to hours of class where p equals the number of pages of notes Dedra takes for 3 hours of class: 6/2 = p/3 [URL='']Type this proportion into our search engine[/URL], and we get: p = [B]9[/B]

Denise is packaging pencils for an art class. If she has 204 pencils and she puts 12 pencils into ea
Denise is packaging pencils for an art class. If she has 204 pencils and she puts 12 pencils into each box, how many boxes will Denise need? Total Boxes = Total Pencils / pencils per box Total Boxes = 204/12 Total Boxes = [B]17 boxes[/B]

Dewey Decimal System Classification
Free Dewey Decimal System Classification Calculator - Given a 3 digit code, this will determine the class, division, and section of the library book using the Dewey Decimal System.

Each class can have 40 pupils. If a school opens 5 classes for Grade 6, how many Grade 6 pupils can
Each class can have 40 pupils. If a school opens 5 classes for Grade 6, how many Grade 6 pupils can it accept? Grade 6 pupils = pupils per class * number of classes Grade 6 pupils = 40 * 5 Grade 6 pupils = [B]200 pupils[/B]

each classroom at HCS has a total of 26 desks. After Mr. Sean pond ordered 75 new desks the total nu
each classroom at HCS has a total of 26 desks. After Mr. Sean pond ordered 75 new desks the total number of desks in the school was 543. How many classrooms does the school have? Let d be the number of desks per classroom. We're given an equation: 26d + 75 = 543 To solve for d, [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: d = [B]18[/B]

For the first 10 seconds of the ride, the height of the coaster can be determined by h(t) = 0.3t^3 -
For the first 10 seconds of the ride, the height of the coaster can be determined by h(t) = 0.3t^3 - 5t^2 + 21t, where t is the time in seconds and h is the height in feet. classify this polynomial by degree and by number of terms. [URL='']Using our polynomial calculator, we determine[/URL]: [LIST] [*]The degree of the polynomial is 3 [*]There are 3 terms [/LIST]

Frequency Distribution Table
Free Frequency Distribution Table Calculator - Determines the classes and frequency distribution using the 2 to k rule.

Free Function Calculator - Takes various functions (exponential, logarithmic, signum (sign), polynomial, linear with constant of proportionality, constant, absolute value), and classifies them, builds ordered pairs, and finds the y-intercept and x-intercept and domain and range if they exist. Table of Functions Calculator

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Gym Class Team Generator
Free Gym Class Team Generator Calculator - Given a list of players, this will randomly generate two teams.

If a classroom has 25 students and 8 of them are absent, how many students are present?
If a classroom has 25 students and 8 of them are absent, how many students are present? The word [I]absent[/I] means not in class, so we subtract the 8 absent students from 25 to get: 25 - 8 = [B]17 students present[/B]

If you arrived at your preschool classroom at 7:35 am and stayed until 10:24 am how much time did yo
If you arrived at your preschool classroom at 7:35 am and stayed until 10:24 am how much time did you spend in the classroom? Using our [URL='']elapsed time calculator[/URL], we get: [B]2 hours and 49 minutes[/B]

In a certain Algebra 2 class of 26 students, 18 of them play basketball and 7 of them play baseball.
In a certain Algebra 2 class of 26 students, 18 of them play basketball and 7 of them play baseball. There are 5 students who play neither sport. What is the probability that a student chosen randomly from the class plays both basketball and baseball? Students play either basketball only, baseball only, both sports, or no sports. Let the students who play both sports be b. We have: b + 18 + 7 - 5 = 26 <-- [I]We subtract 5 because we don't want to double count the students who played a sport who were counted already [/I] We [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and get: b = [B]6[/B]

In a class of 30 pupils, 18 take Social Studies and 17 take Technical Drawing, 3 take neither. How m
In a class of 30 pupils, 18 take Social Studies and 17 take Technical Drawing, 3 take neither. How many take both Social Studies and Technical Drawing? Let students who take both be b. We have: 18 + 17 + 3 - b = 30 38 - b = 30 Using our [URL='']equation solver[/URL], we get: b = [B]8[/B]

in a class of 40 students 15 failed. How many passed
in a class of 40 students 15 failed. How many passed? Passed = Total - Failed Passed = 40 - 15 Passed = [B]25[/B]

In a class there are 5 more boys than girls. There are 13 students in all. How many boys are there i
In a class there are 5 more boys than girls. There are 13 students in all. How many boys are there in the class? We start by declaring variables for boys and girls: [LIST] [*]Let b be the number of boys [*]Let g be the number of girls [/LIST] We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]b = g + 5 [*]b + g = 13 [/LIST] Substitute equation (1) for b into equation (2): g + 5 + g = 13 Grouping like terms, we get: 2g + 5 = 13 Subtract 5 from each side: 2g + 5 - 5 = 13 - 5 Cancel the 5's on the left side and we get: 2g = 8 Divide each side of the equation by 2 to isolate g: 2g/2 = 8/2 Cancel the 2's on the left side and we get: g = 4 Substitute g = 4 into equation (1) to solve for b: b = 4 + 5 b = [B]9[/B]

In this class of 4/5 students are right handed. if there are 20 right handed students, what is the t
In this class of 4/5 students are right handed. if there are 20 right handed students, what is the total number of students in this class? Let x be the total number of students in the class. We have: 4/5x = 20 Cross multiplying or using our [URL='']equation calculator[/URL], we get: 4x = 100 Divide each side by 4 [B]x = 25[/B]

Jinas final exam has true/false questions, worth 3 points each, and multiple choice questions, worth
Jinas final exam has true/false questions, worth 3 points each, and multiple choice questions, worth 4 points each. Let x be the number of true/false questions she gets correct, and let y be the number of multiple choice questions she gets correct. She needs at least 76 points on the exam to get an A in the class. Using the values and variables given, write an inequality describing this. At least means greater than or equal to, so we have: [B]3x + 4y >= 76[/B]

Johns grade has 3 classrooms. Each classroom has 14 tables. Two students sit at each table about how
Johns grade has 3 classrooms. Each classroom has 14 tables. Two students sit at each table about how many students are there in all? 3 classrooms * 14 tables per classroom = 42 tables 2 students per table * 42 tables = 84 students

Kimberly is taking three online classes during the summer. She spends 10 hours each week studying fo
Kimberly is taking three online classes during the summer. She spends 10 hours each week studying for her marketing class, 12 hours studying for her statistics class, and 8 hours studying for her business law class. What percent of her study time does she spend for her statistics class? The percentage equals hours spent on statistics divided by total hours spent studying for everything. [U]Calculate total study hours:[/U] Total Study Hours = Marketing Class Study Hours + Statistics Class Study Hours + Business Law Study Hours Total Study Hours = 10 + 8 + 12 Total Study Hours = [B]30[/B] [U]Calculate Statistics Study Hours Percentage:[/U] Statistics Study Hours Percentage = Statistics Class Study Hours / Total Study Hours Statistics Class Study Hours = 8/30 Using our [URL='']fraction to decimal calculator[/URL], we get Statistics Class Study Hours = [B]26.67%[/B]

Kimberly takes 4 pages of notes during each hour of class. Write an equation that shows the relation
Kimberly takes 4 pages of notes during each hour of class. Write an equation that shows the relationship between the time in class x and the number of pages y. With x hours and y pages, our equation is: [B]y = 4x [/B]

Last year, the 6th grade had 200 students. This year the number decreased 35% How many students are
Last year, the 6th grade had 200 students. This year the number decreased 35% How many students are in this year's 6th grade class? [URL='']200 decreased by 35%[/URL] is [B]130[/B]

Linda takes classes at both Westside Community College and Pinewood Community College. At Westside,
Linda takes classes at both Westside Community College and Pinewood Community College. At Westside, class fees are $98 per credit hour, and at Pinewood, class fees are $115 per credit hour. Linda is taking a combined total of 18 credit hours at the two schools. Suppose that she is taking w credit hours at Westside. Write an expression for the combined total dollar amount she paid for her class fees. Let p be the number of credit hours at Pinewood. We have two equations: [LIST] [*]98w for Westside [*]115p at Pinewood [*]w + p = 18 [*]Total fees: [B]98w + 115p[/B] [/LIST]

Lucy has taken four tests in math class and has an average of 85. i. What score would she have to g
Lucy has taken four tests in math class and has an average of 85. i. What score would she have to get on her fifth test to have an average of 88? ii. Can she get an average of 90? Explain. i. She would need a perfect score of [B]100[/B] from our [URL='']Missing Average Calculator[/URL] ii. [B]Impossible since we know from question i., a score of 100 only gets her to an 88. She cannot score higher than 100 on the fifth test, therefore, she cannot attain an average score of 90.[/B]

Meryl can only take 4 out of 7 classes offered during the summer. How many different ways can she ch
Meryl can only take 4 out of 7 classes offered during the summer. How many different ways can she choose the classes she will take We want 7 choose 4, or 7C4: We [URL='']type 7C4 into our search engine and we get[/URL]: 35

Mimi just started her tennis class three weeks ago. On average, she is able to return 20% of her opp
Mimi just started her tennis class three weeks ago. On average, she is able to return 20% of her opponent's serves. Assume her opponent serves 8 times. Show all work. Let X be the number of returns that Mimi gets. As we know, the distribution of X is a binomial probability distribution. a) What is the number of trials (n), probability of successes (p) and probability of failures (q), respectively? b) Find the probability that that she returns at least 1 of the 8 serves from her opponent. (c) How many serves can she expect to return? a) [B]n = 8 p = 0.2[/B] q = 1 - p q = 1 - 0.2 [B]q = 0.8 [/B] b) [B]0.4967[/B] on our [URL='>+k%29']binomial calculator[/URL] c) np = 8(0.2) = 1.6 ~ [B]2[/B] using the link above

Mimis math class starts at 9:00 A.M. and lasts for 1 hour and 55 minutes. After math class, Mimi has
Mimis math class starts at 9:00 A.M. and lasts for 1 hour and 55 minutes. After math class, Mimi has recess for 15 minutes. What time does Mimis recess end? [LIST=1] [*]Start at 9:00 AM [*]1 hour and 55 minutes of class puts us at 10:55 AM [*]Recess for 15 minutes puts us at [B]11:10 AM[/B] [/LIST] [B][/B] [LIST=1] [*]Another way to do this is work in whole hours and minute blocks [*]9:00 AM, add 1 hour that is 10:00 AM [*]55 minutes is 5 minutes less than 1 hour [*]So add another hour to 10:00 AM which is 11:00 AM [*]Subtract the 5 minutes is 10:55 AM [*]15 minutes is 5 minutes + 10 minutes [*]Add 5 minutes to 10:55AM is 11:00 [*]10 minutes added to this is [B]11:10 AM[/B] [/LIST]

Mrs. Evans has 120 crayons and 30 pieces of paper to give her students. What is the largest number o
Mrs. Evans has 120 crayons and 30 pieces of paper to give her students. What is the largest number of students she can have her class so that each student gets an equal number of crayons and equal number of paper? [URL='']Using our GCF calculator for the GCF(30, 120)[/URL], we get 30. So 30 people get the following: [B]30/30 = 1 piece of paper 120/30 = 4 crayons[/B]

Need help quickly! My math skills are escaping me!
If I have 13 participants attending new hire class. 3 of them did not pass, 10 passed successfully. What is the percentage of success? What is the ratio of success? I don't believe there is a ratio, I could be wrong. Probably so, math does not agree with me! Please help! Thank you!

Omar's classroom has 2 closets. Each closet has 3 shelves. There are 5 backpacks on each shelf.
Omar's classroom has 2 closets. Each closet has 3 shelves. There are 5 backpacks on each shelf. 2 closets * 3 shelves per closet * 5 backpacks per shelf = [B]30 backpacks[/B]

On a Math test, 12 students earned an A. This number is exactly 25% of the total number of students
On a Math test, 12 students earned an A. This number is exactly 25% of the total number of students in the class. How many students are in the class? Let the total number of students be s. Since 25% is 0.25 as a decimal, We have an equation: 0.25s = 12 [URL='']Type this equation into our search engine[/URL], and we get: s = [B]48[/B]

On the first day of school each student in the class of 26 will bring 4 writing books and 2 maths bo
On the first day of school each student in the class of 26 will bring 4 writing books and 2 maths books. How many books will they have altogether? Each student has 4 books plus 2 math books = 6 total books per student Calculate total books Total Books = Number of students * books per student Total Books = 26 * 6 Total Books = [B]156[/B]

One day a quarter of the class is absent and 21 children are present. How many children are there on
One day a quarter of the class is absent and 21 children are present. How many children are there on the class when no one is away? If 1/4 of the class is absent, this means that 1 - 1/4 is present. Since 1 = 4/4, we have 4/4 - 1/4 = 3/4 of the class is present. If the full size of the class is c, then we have 3/4c = 21 [URL='']Typing 3/4c = 21 into the search engine[/URL], we get: [B]c = 28[/B]

Orange Theory is currently offering a deal where you can buy a fitness pass for $100 and then each c
Orange Theory is currently offering a deal where you can buy a fitness pass for $100 and then each class is $13, otherwise it is $18 for each class. After how many classes is the total cost with the fitness pass the same as the total cost without the fitness pass? Let the number of classes be c. For the fitness pass plan, we have the total cost of: 13c + 100 For the flat rate plan, we have the total cost of: 18c The question asks for c when both plans are equal. So we set both costs equal and solve for c: 13c + 100 = 18c We [URL='']type this equation into our math engine[/URL] and we get: c = [B]20[/B]

Please help me!! I don't understand!
I don't understand this word problem: If each of these shapes in Figure 1 were separated and filled with water, could the sphere that contains the cube hold all of the water? [I]Assume in the second image the corners of the cube touch the sphere so the diagonal from one corner of the cube to the opposite diagonal corner is the diameter of the sphere. [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][/I] Could you guys help me please?

Ronnie, liza, vivien, and vina are classmates. They send each other a Valentines card. Find the numb
Ronnie, liza, vivien, and vina are classmates. They send each other a Valentines card. Find the number of Valentines cards they send altogether We've got 4 classmates. Which means each person sends 3 Valentine's cards (to everybody else in the class but themselves): 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 or 4 * 3 = 12 Valentine's cards.

Shanice won 97 pieces of gum playing basketball at the county fair. At school she gave four to every
Shanice won 97 pieces of gum playing basketball at the county fair. At school she gave four to every student in her math class. She only has 5 remaining. How many students are in her class? Let the number of students be s. We have a situation described by the following equation: 4s + 5 = 97 <-- We add 5 since it's left over to get to 97 [URL='']We type this equation into the search engine[/URL] and we get: s = [B]23[/B]

Some History teachers at Richmond High School are purchasing tickets for students and their adult ch
Some History teachers at Richmond High School are purchasing tickets for students and their adult chaperones to go on a field trip to a nearby museum. For her class, Mrs. Yang bought 30 student tickets and 30 adult tickets, which cost a total of $750. Mr. Alexander spent $682, getting 28 student tickets and 27 adult tickets. What is the price for each type of ticket? Let the number of adult tickets be a Let the number of student tickets be s We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]30a + 30s = 750 [*]27a + 28s = 682 [/LIST] To solve the simultaneous equations, we can use any of three methods below: [LIST] [*][URL='']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='']Cramer's Rule[/URL] [/LIST] No matter what method we use, we get the same answers: [LIST] [*][B]a = 18[/B] [*][B]s = 7[/B] [/LIST]

The fastest student in gym class runs 50 meters in 7.4 seconds. The slowest time in the class was 4.
The fastest student in gym class runs 50 meters in 7.4 seconds. The slowest time in the class was 4.36 seconds slower than the fastest time. Slowest time = 7.4 - 4.36 Slowest time = [B]3.04[/B]

The mean height of a class of 20 children is 1.27 the mean height of 12 boys in the class is 1.29 wh
The mean height of a class of 20 children is 1.27 the mean height of 12 boys in the class is 1.29 what is the mean height of the girls in the class? The mean of sums is the sum of means. So we have: Total Height / 20 = 1.27 Cross multiplying, we get: Total Height = 20 * 1.27 Total Height = 25.4 Boys Height / 12 = 1.29 Cross multiplying, we get: Boys Height = 12 * 1.29 Boys Height = 15.48 The Problem asks for mean height for girls. The formula is: Girls Height / # of Girls = Mean of Girls Height # of Girls = Total children - # of boys # of Girls = 20 - 12 # of Girls = 8 Girls Height = Total Height - Boys Height Girls Height = 25.4 - 15.48 Girls Height = 9.92 Plugging this into the Mean of girls height, we get: 9.92 /8 = [B]1.24[/B]

The school council began the year with a $600 credit to their account, but they spent $2,000 on new
The school council began the year with a $600 credit to their account, but they spent $2,000 on new books for classrooms. How much must the PTA earn through fundraising to break even? +600 - 2000 = -1,400. Break even means no profit or loss. So the PTA must earn [B]1,400 [/B]to break even on the -1,400

The senior class at high school A and high school B planned separate trips to the state fair. There
The senior class at high school A and high school B planned separate trips to the state fair. There senior class and high school A rented and filled 10 vans and 6 buses with 276 students. High school B rented and filled 5 vans and 2 buses with 117 students. Every van had the same number of students in them as did the buses. How many students can a van carry?? How many students can a bus carry?? Let b be the number of students a bus can carry. Let v be the number of students a van can carry. We're given: [LIST=1] [*]High School A: 10v + 6b = 276 [*]High School B: 5v + 2b = 117 [/LIST] We have a system of equations. We can solve this 3 ways: [LIST] [*][URL='']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='']Cramer's Rule[/URL] [/LIST] No matter which method we choose, we get: [LIST] [*][B]b = 21[/B] [*][B]v = 15[/B] [/LIST]

There are 2 chalkboards in your classroom. If each chalkboard needs 2 pieces of chalk, how many piec
There are 2 chalkboards in your classroom. If each chalkboard needs 2 pieces of chalk, how many pieces do you need in total? Total chalk pieces = Number of Chalkboards * Chalk pieces per chalkboard Total chalk pieces = 2 * 2 Total chalk pieces = [B]4[/B]

There are 24 students in a class. Three new students joined the class. Work out the percentage chang
There are 24 students in a class. Three new students joined the class. Work out the percentage change in the number of students in the class. We want to know how much an increase of 3 people is in a class of 24: 3/24 Using [URL='']our percentage/decimal calculator[/URL], we get: [B]12.5% increase[/B]

There are 30 students in a classroom. Eighteen students read A Wrinkle in Time while 22 children rea
There are 30 students in a classroom. Eighteen students read [I]A Wrinkle in Time[/I] while 22 children read [I]The Hobbit[/I]. If all children read at least one of the books, how many read both books? 30 - 18 = 12 students read the Hobbit only 30 - (12 + 8) = [B]10 students who read both[/B]

There are 32 students in a class. Nine of those students are women. What percent are men
There are 32 students in a class. Nine of those students are women. What percent are men [U]Find the number of male students:[/U] Males = Total Students - Females Males = 32 - 9 Males = 23 [U]Calculate percentage of males:[/U] Percentage of males = 100% * Males / Total Students Percentage of males = 100% * 23 / 32 Percentage of males = 100% * 0.71875 Percentage of males = 71.88% [URL='']See this link as well[/URL]

There are 33 students in an Algebra I class. There are 7 fewer girls than boys. How many girls are i
There are 33 students in an Algebra I class. There are 7 fewer girls than boys. How many girls are in the class? Let b be the number of boys and g be the number of girls. We are given 2 equations: [LIST=1] [*]g = b - 7 [*]b + g = 33 [/LIST] Substitute (1) into (2): b + (b - 7) = 33 Combine like terms: 2b - 7 = 33 [URL='']Typing this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get b = 20. Since the problem asks for how many girls (g) we have, we substitute b = 20 into Equation (1): g = 20 - 7 [B]g = 13[/B]

There are 60 students in a class. Three-fourths of them are girls. How many boys are there
There are 60 students in a class. Three-fourths of them are girls. How many boys are there In the class, we have either boys or girls. Total students = 60 3/4 of 60 = 60 * 3/4 Since 60/4 = 15, we have: 15 * 3 = 45 girls Boys = 60 - girls Boys = 60 - 45 Boys = [B]15[/B]

There are 85 students in a class, 40 of them like math,31 of them like science, 12 of them like both
There are 85 students in a class, 40 of them like math,31 of them like science, 12 of them like both, how many don't like either. We have the following equation: Total Students = Students who like math + students who like science - students who like both + students who don't like neither. Plug in our knowns, we get: 85 = 40 + 31 - 12 + Students who don't like neither 85 = 59 + Students who don't like neither Subtract 59 from each side, we get: Students who don't like neither = 85 - 59 Students who don't like neither = [B]26[/B]

Three good friends are in the same algebra class, their scores on a recent test are three consecutiv
Three good friends are in the same algebra class, their scores on a recent test are three consecutive odd integers whose sum is 273. Find the score In our search engine, we type in [URL='']3 consecutive integers whose sum is 273[/URL] and we get: [B]90, 91, 92[/B]

Triangle Solver and Classify Triangles
Free Triangle Solver and Classify Triangles Calculator - Solves a triangle including area using the following solving methods
Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Side Angle Side
Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Angle Side Angle
Side-Side-Angle (SSA) Side Angle Side
Side-Side-Side (SSS) Side Side Side
Area (A) is solved using Herons Formula
Law of Sines
Law of Cosines

Also classifies triangles based on sides and angles entered.

Word Problem Help
I am confused too it is okay because I turned in some random stuff but the teacher explained in class so I know now

You are baking muffins for your class. There are 17 total students in your class and you have baked
You are baking muffins for your class. There are 17 total students in your class and you have baked 5 muffins. Write and solve an equation to find the additional number x of muffins you need to bake in order to have 2 muffins for each student. Write your equation so that the units on each side of the equation are muffins per student. 2 muffins per student = 17*2 = 34 muffins. We have an equation with a given 5 muffins, how much do we need (x) to get to 34 muffins (2 per student): x + 5 = 34 To solve for x, we type this equation into our search engine and we get: x = [B]29[/B]

You are baking muffins for your class. There are 17 total students in your class and you have baked
You are baking muffins for your class. There are 17 total students in your class and you have baked 5 muffins. Write and solve an equation to find the additional number x of muffins you need to bake in order to have 2 muffins for each student. Write your equation so that the units on each side of the equation are muffins per student. [U]Calculate total muffins:[/U] Total muffins = 2 muffins per student * 17 students Total muffins = 34 [U]Set up the equation using x for muffins:[/U] [B]x + 5 = 34 [/B] [U]To Solve this equation for x, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get:[/U] x = [B]29 [/B]

You have read a 247 page book for a class and decide to read 18 pages a night. How many pages are le
You have read a 247 page book for a class and decide to read 18 pages a night. How many pages are left in the book if you have been reading for n nights? Set up the remaining pages read function R(n). We have: [B]R(n) = 247 - 18n[/B]

your classmate asserted that x^2 - 4x - 12 and 12 - 4x - x^2 has the same factors is your classmate
your classmate asserted that x^2 - 4x - 12 and 12 - 4x - x^2 has the same factors is your classmate correct Factor x^2 - 4x - 12 using binomials: (x + 2)(x - 6) Therefore, factors are x = -2, x = 6 Factor 12 - 4x - x^2 -(x - 6)(x + 2) Therefore, factors are x = -2, x = -6 Because they don't have two matching factors, your classmate is [B]incorrect.[/B]

Your friends in class want you to make a run to the vending machine for the whole group. Everyone pi
Your friends in class want you to make a run to the vending machine for the whole group. Everyone pitched in to make a total of $12.50 to buy snacks. The fruit drinks are $1.50 and the chips are $1.00. Your friends want you to buy a total of 10 items. How many drinks and how many chips were you able to purchase? Let c be the number of chips. Let f be the number of fruit drinks. We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]c + f = 10 [*]c + 1.5f = 12.50 [/LIST] Rearrange equation 1 by subtracting f from both sides: [LIST=1] [*]c = 10 - f [*]c + 1.5f = 12.50 [/LIST] Substitute equation (1) into equation (2): 10 - f + 1.5f = 12.50 To solve for f, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]f = 5[/B] Now, substitute this f = 5 value back into modified equation (1) above: c = 10 - 5 [B]c = 5[/B]

Your grade must be at least 60 to pass this class
Your grade must be at least 60 to pass this class Assumptions and givens: [LIST] [*]The phrase [I]at least[/I] means greater than or equal to. [*]Let g be your grade [/LIST] We have: [B]g >= 60[/B]

“The shortest person in a class is 55 inches tall and tallest person in that class is 75 inches tall
The shortest person in a class is 55 inches tall and tallest person in that class is 75 inches tall. write an absolute value equation that requires the minimum and maximum height. Use X to represent heights. We write our inequality as: [B]55 <= X <= 75[/B]