3 salads, 4 main dishes, and 2 desserts

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    3 salads, 4 main dishes, and 2 desserts

    Total meal combinations are found by multiplying each salad, main dish, and dessert using the fundamental rule of counting.

    The fundamental rule of counting states, if there are a ways of doing one thing, b ways of doing another thing, and c ways of doing another thing, than the total combinations of all the ways are found by a * b * c.

    With 3 salads, 4 main dishes, and 2 desserts, our total meal combinations are:
    3 * 4 * 2 = 24 different meal combinations.

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