A bus holds 45 students. How many buses were taken on a field trip if 13 students travels by car and

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A bus holds 45 students. How many buses were taken on a field trip if 13 students travels by car and total of 320 students went on a trip?

    Find the number of students who went on the bus:
    Number of students who went on the bus = Total students on field trip - students who traveled by car
    Number of students who went on the bus = 320 - 13
    Number of students who went on the bus = 307

    Calculate the number of buses needed:
    Number of buses needed = Number of students who went on the bus / Bus Capacity
    Number of buses needed = 307 / 45
    Number of buses needed = 6.822
    We round up for a full bus to get 7 buses

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