A cashier has 44 bills, all of which are $10 or $20 bills. The total value of the money is $730. How

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A cashier has 44 bills, all of which are $10 or $20 bills. The total value of the money is $730. How many of each type of bill does the cashier have?

    Let a be the amount of $10 bills and b be the amount of $20 bills. We're given two equations:
    1. a + b = 44
    2. 10a + 20b = 730
    We rearrange equation 1 in terms of a. We subtract b from each side and we get:
    1. a = 44 - b
    2. 10a + 20b = 730
    Now we substitute equation (1) for a into equation (2):
    10(44 - b) + 20b = 730

    Multiply through to remove the parentheses:
    440 - 10b + 20b = 730

    Group like terms:
    440 + 10b = 730

    Now, to solve for b, we type this equation into our search engine and we get:
    b = 29

    To get a, we take b = 29 and substitute it into equation (1) above:
    a = 44 - 29
    a = 15

    So we have 15 ten-dollar bills and 29 twenty-dollar bills

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