A machine shop employee earned $642 last week. She worked 40hours at her regular rate and 9 hours at

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A machine shop employee earned $642 last week. She worked 40hours at her regular rate and 9 hours at a time and a half rate. Find her regular hourly rate.

    Let the regular hourly rate be h. We're given:
    40h + 40(1.5)(h - 40) = 642

    Multiply through and simplify:
    40h + 60h - 2400 = 642
    100h - 2400 = 642

    To solve for h, we type this equation into our search engine and we get:
    h = 30.42

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