A monster energy drink has 164 mg of caffeine. Each hour your system reduces the amount of caffeine

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A monster energy drink has 164 mg of caffeine. Each hour your system reduces the amount of caffeine by 12%. Write an equation that models the amount of caffeine that remains in your body after you drink an entire monster energy.

    Set up a function C(h) where he is the number of hours after you drink the Monster energy drink:

    Since 12% as a decimal is 0.12, we have:
    C(h) = 164 * (1 - 0.12)^h <-- we subtract 12% since your body flushes it out
    C(h) = 164 * (0.88)^h

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