A set of 6 wooden chairs costs $444. A set of 8 metal chairs costs $720. How much more do the metal

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 18, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A set of 6 wooden chairs costs $444. A set of 8 metal chairs costs $720. How much more do the metal chairs cost per chair?

    Wooden Chair Unit Cost:
    Unit Cost = Total Cost / Quantity
    Unit Cost = 444/6
    Unit Cost = 74

    Metal Chair Unit Cost:
    Unit Cost = Total Cost / Quantity
    Unit Cost = 720/8
    Unit Cost = 90

    Find the difference (how much more)
    Difference = Metal Chair Unit Cost - Wooden Chair Unit Cost
    Difference = 90 - 74
    Difference = 16

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