a son is 1/4 of his fathers age. the difference in their ages is 30. what is the fathers age.

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    a son is 1/4 of his fathers age. the difference in their ages is 30. what is the fathers age.

    Declare variables:
    • Let f be the father's age
    • Let s be the son's age
    We're given two equations:
    1. s = f/4
    2. f - s = 30. The reason why we subtract s from f is the father is older

    Using substitution, we substitute equaiton (1) into equation (2) for s:
    f - f/4 = 30

    To remove the denominator/fraction, we multiply both sides of the equation by 4:
    4f - 4f/4 = 30 *4
    4f - f = 120
    3f = 120

    To solve for f, we divide each side of the equation by 3:
    3f/3 = 120/3

    Cancel the 3's on the left side and we get:
    f = 40

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