assume your math class has 10 sophomores and 7 juniors. there are 3 female sophomores and 4 male jun

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    assume your math class has 10 sophomores and 7 juniors. there are 3 female sophomores and 4 male juniors. what is the probability of randomly selecting a student who is a female or a junior

    10 sophomores:
    3 female
    male = 10 - 3 = 7

    7 juniors
    4 males
    female = 7 - 4 = 3

    Total Females = Female Sophomores + Female Juniors
    Total Females = 3 + 3
    Total Females = 6

    Total Students:
    Total Students = Total Sophomores + Total Juniors
    Total Students = 10 + 7
    Total Students = 17

    We want P(female or Junior). We use the formula below to avoid duplicates:
    P(female or Junior) = P(female) + P(junior) - P(female and junior)
    P(female or Junior) = Total Females / Total Students + Total Juniors / Total Students - Total Female Juniors / Total Students
    P(female or Junior) = 6/17 + 7/17 - 3/17
    P(female or Junior) = 10/17

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