Erin has 72 stamps in her stamp drawer along with a quarter, two dimes and seven pennies. She has 3

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jan 19, 2023.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Erin has 72 stamps in her stamp drawer along with a quarter, two dimes and seven pennies. She has 3 times as many 3-cent stamps as 37-cent stamps and half the number of 5-cent stamps as 37-cent stamps. The value of the stamps and coins is $8.28. How many 37-cent stamps does Erin have?

    Number of stamps:
    • Number of 37 cent stamps = s
    • Number of 3-cent stamps = 3s
    • Number of 5-cent stamps = 0.5s
    Value of stamps and coins:
    • 37 cent stamps = 0.37s
    • 3-cent stamps = 3 * 0.03 = 0.09s
    • 5-cent stamps = 0.5 * 0.05s = 0.025s
    • Quarter, 2 dime, 7 pennies = 0.52
    Add them up:
    0.37s + 0.09s + 0.025s + 0.52 = 8.28

    Solve for s in the equation 0.37s + 0.09s + 0.025s + 0.52 = 8.28

    Step 1: Group the s terms on the left hand side:
    (0.37 + 0.09 + 0.025)s = 0.485s

    Step 2: Form modified equation
    0.485s + 0.52 = + 8.28

    Step 3: Group constants:
    We need to group our constants 0.52 and 8.28. To do that, we subtract 0.52 from both sides
    0.485s + 0.52 - 0.52 = 8.28 - 0.52

    Step 4: Cancel 0.52 on the left side:
    0.485s = 7.76

    Step 5: Divide each side of the equation by 0.485
    0.485s/0.485 = 7.76/0.485
    s = 16


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