Lisa wants to rent a boat and spend less than $52. The boat costs $7 per hour, and Lisa has a discou

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Lisa wants to rent a boat and spend less than $52. The boat costs $7 per hour, and Lisa has a discount coupon for $4 off. What are the possible numbers of hours Lisa could rent the boat?

    Calculate discounted cost:
    Discounted cost = Full Cost - Coupon
    Discounted cost = 52 - 7
    Discounted cost = 45

    Since price equals rate * hours (h), and we want the inequality (less than) we have:
    7h < 52

    Using our inequality calculator, we see that:
    h < 7.42

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