Mr turner sent his car to the workshop for repair work as well as to change 4 tires. Mr turner paid

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Mr turner sent his car to the workshop for repair work as well as to change 4 tires. Mr turner paid $1035 in all. The repair work cost 5 times the price of each tire. The mechanic told Mr. turner that the repair work cost $500. Explain the mechanic’s mistake

    Let the cost for work be w. Let the cost for each tire be t. We're given;
    1. w = 5t
    2. w + 4t = 1035
    Substitute equation 1 into equation 2:
    (5t) + 4t = 1035

    Type this equation into our search engine, and we get:
    t = 115

    Substitute this into equation (1):
    w = 5(115)
    w = 575

    The mechanic underestimated the work cost.

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