Rachel works at a bookstore. On Tuesday, she sold twice as many books as she did on Monday. On Wedne

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 1, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Rachel works at a bookstore. On Tuesday, she sold twice as many books as she did on Monday. On Wednesday, she sold 6 fewer books than she did on Tuesday. During the 3 days Rachel sold 19 books. Create an equation that can be used to find m, a number of books Rachel sold on Monday.

    Let me be the number of books Rachel sold on Monday. We're given Tuesday's book sales (t) and Wednesday's books sales (w) as:
    1. t = 2m
    2. w = t - 6
    3. m + t + w = 19
    Plug (1) and (2) into (3):
    Since t = 2m and w = t - 6 --> 2m - 6, we have:
    m + 2m + 2m - 6 = 19

    Combine like terms:
    5m - 6 = 19

    Plugging this equation into our search engine, we get:
    m = 5

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