Sean is helping his dad build a tiled walkway in their backyard. The walkway will be 606060 feet lon

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by Ethan Flare, May 9, 2017.

  1. Ethan Flare

    Ethan Flare New Member

    Sean is helping his dad build a tiled walkway in their backyard. The walkway will be 60 feet long and 2 feet wide. The local hardware store sells tiles which are 2 by 2 feet and come in boxes of 6.

    There isn't a calculator for Rational Word Problems.

  2. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    I assume you want to know how many tiles or how many boxes of tile they need? I'll do both:

    Since each tile covers the full 2 foot width of the walkway, we need to see how many tiles length wise we need.
    60/2 = 30 tiles needed to cover the full walkway.

    Now, each box contains 6 tiles, which means we need 30 tiles/6 tiles per box = 5 boxes of tiles

  3. Ethan Flare

    Ethan Flare New Member

    Ah! Thanks!

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