Suppose that Sn = 3 + 1/3 + 1/9 + ... + 1/3(n-2)

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Suppose that Sn = 3 + 1/3 + 1/9 + ... + 1/3(n-2)

    a) Find S10 and S∞
    b) If the common difference in an arithmetic sequence is twice the first term, show that Sn/Sm = n^2/m^2

    a) Sum of the geometric sequence is
    a = 3 and r = 1/3

    (a(1 - r)^n)/(1 - r)

    (3(1 - 1/3)^9)/(1 - 1/3)

    S10 = 4.499771376

    For infinity, as n goes to infinity, the numerator goes to 1
    so we have S∞ = 3(1)/2/3 = 4.5

    b) Sum of an arithmetic sequence formula is below:

    n(a1 + an)/2

    an = a1 + (n - 1)2a1 since d = 2a1

    n(a1 + a1 + (n - 1)2a1)/2

    (2a1n + n^2 - 2a1n)/2


    For Sm
    m(a1 + am)/2

    am = a1 + (m - 1)2a1 since d = 2a1

    m(a1 + 1 + (m - 1)2a1)/2

    (2a1m + m^2 - 2a1m)/2


    Sn/Sm = n^2/m^2 (cancel the 2's)

    S10/S1 = 10^2/1^2

    We know S<sub>1</sub> = 3

    So we have 100(3)/1

    S10 = 300

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