The difference of two numbers is 12 and their mean is 15. Find the two numbers

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    The difference of two numbers is 12 and their mean is 15. Find the two numbers.

    Let the two numbers be x and y. We're given:
    1. x - y = 12
    2. (x + y)/2 = 15. <-- Mean is an average
    Rearrange equation 1 by adding y to each side:
    x - y + y = y + 12

    Cancelling the y's on the left side, we get:
    x = y + 12

    Now substitute this into equation 2:
    (y + 12 + y)/2 = 15

    Cross multiply:
    y + 12 + y = 30

    Group like terms for y:
    2y + 12 = 30

    Typing this equation into our search engine, we get:
    y = 9

    Now substitute this into modified equation 1:
    x = y + 12
    x = 9 + 12
    x = 21

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