The population of a town doubles every 12 years. If the population in 1945 was 11,005 people, what w

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Feb 6, 2022.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    The population of a town doubles every 12 years. If the population in 1945 was 11,005 people, what was the population in 1981?

    Calculate the difference in years:
    Difference = 1981 - 1945
    Difference = 36

    Calculate doubling periods:
    Doubling periods = Total years / Doubling time
    Doubling periods = 36/12
    Doubling periods = 3

    Population = Initial Population * 2^doubling periods
    Population = 11005 * 2^3
    Population = 11005 * 8
    Population = 88,040

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