You have $6.50 to make copies. It cost $0.45. Write and solve an equality that represents the number

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    You have $6.50 to make copies. It cost $0.45. Write and solve an equality that represents the number of copies

    Hoow many exact copies can you make? Let the number of copies be c. We have:
    0.45c = 6.50

    Type this equation into our search engine and we get:
    c = 14.444

    We round down and say we can make 14 copies.
    c = 14

    Now, if the problem asks you for an inequality, we want to see how many copies we can make without exceeding our $6.50 spend. So it's less than or equal to:
    c <= 14

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