You entered the mixed number 4&3/7 for Fraction 1.
We need to convert this to an improper fraction.
Fraction = | Denominator x Whole Number + Numerator |
Denominator |
The denominator = 7
The whole number = 4
The numerator = 3
Fraction = | (7 x 4) + 3 |
7 |
Fraction = | 28 + 3 |
7 |
Fraction = | 31 |
7 |
You entered the mixed number 4&3/7 for Fraction 1.
We need to convert this to an improper fraction.
Fraction = | Denominator x Whole Number + Numerator |
Denominator |
The denominator = 7
The whole number = 4
The numerator = 3
Fraction = | (7 x 4) + 3 |
7 |
Fraction = | 28 + 3 |
7 |
Fraction = | 31 |
7 |