Enter fraction(s) below:


Simplify and Evaluate the following fraction:


First, evaluate the numerator and denominator

The numerator is 6

The denominator is 12

Reduce our fraction

GCF(6 and 12) = 6

Reduce the numerator by GCF

(1/6) x 6 = 1

Reduce the denominator by GCF

(1/6) x 12 = 2

Build our reduced answer



Convert this fraction number to a mixed number.

Let's find the whole number first.
The formula for this is:

Numerator/Denominator) in whole numbers

Using the fraction you entered of 6/12, let's evaluate:

Whole Number = 6 / 12 = 0.5

Whole Number = Integer(0.5)

Whole Number = 0

Find the fractional portion of the mixed number

(Numerator - Denominator x Whole Number)

Using the values we entered and calculated, we get:

Fraction Portion  =  (6 - 12 x 0)

Fraction Portion  =  6 - 0

Fraction Portion  =  6

Combine both pieces for the mixed number:

Mixed Number = Whole Number & fraction Portion

Mixed Number = 0 & 6/12

Write this as a whole number

Whole Number = 0

Final Answer
