5 results

monomial - a polynomial which has only one term. Constants and variables are monomials as well as one term polynomials

Greatest Common Factors of Monomials
Free Greatest Common Factors of Monomials Calculator - This calculator will determine the Greatest Common Factors of a set of Monomials

Free Monomials Calculator - This calculator will raise a monomial to a power,multiply monomials, or divide monomials.

Simplify 6x^2y^3(2x^2y)^3
Simplify the monomial in parentheses: 2^3x^2*3y^3 8x^6y^3 Now we update the multiplication: 6x^2y^3(8x^6y^3) 6*8 x^(2 + 6)y^(3 + 3) [B]48x^8y^6[/B] [MEDIA=youtube]rmuDx027gL4[/MEDIA]

The graph of a polynomial f(x) = (2x - 3)(x - 4)(x + 3) has x-intercepts at 3 values. What are they?
The graph of a polynomial f(x) = (2x - 3)(x - 4)(x + 3) has x-intercepts at 3 values. What are they? A few things to note: [LIST] [*]X-intercepts are found when y (or f(x)) is 0. [*]On the right side, we have 3 monomials. [*]Therefore, y or f(x) could be 0 when [U]any[/U] of these monomials is 0 [/LIST] The 3 monomials are: [LIST=1] [*]2x - 3 = 0 [*]x - 4 = 0 [*]x + 3 = 0 [/LIST] Find all 3 x-intercepts: [LIST=1] [*]2x - 3 = 0. [URL='']Using our equation calculator[/URL], we see that x = [B]3/2 or 1.5[/B] [*]x - 4 = 0 [URL='']Using our equation calculator[/URL], we see that x = [B]4[/B] [*]x + 3 = 0 [URL='']Using our equation calculator[/URL], we see that x = [B]-3[/B] [/LIST] So our 3 x-intercepts are: x = [B]{-3, 3/2, 4}[/B]

What is the ratio 18b^2 to 45b written in simplest for
What is the ratio 18b^2 to 45b written in simplest for Using our [URL='']monomial calculator[/URL], we see that 18b^2/45b is [B]2b/5[/B]