
10 results

change - A measure in difference

Free Base Change Conversions Calculator - Converts a positive integer to Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Notation or Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Notation to a positive integer. Also converts any positive integer in base 10 to another positive integer base (Change Base Rule or Base Change Rule or Base Conversion)

Change Counting

Free Change Counting Calculator - This shows you how to make change using the least amount of bills/coins by taking a bill amount and a cash tendered amount from a customer and figuring out the fastest way to make change. Maximum denomination is $100

Equation of Exchange

Free Equation of Exchange Calculator - Solves for any of the 4 variables in the Equation of Exchange: money, velocity, price, quantity

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Income Elasticity of Demand

Free Income Elasticity of Demand Calculator - Calculates the income elasticity of demand using demand changes and income changes. Inputs are demand 1 and demand 0 and income 1 and income 0.

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Logarithms and Natural Logarithms and Eulers Constant (e)

Free Logarithms and Natural Logarithms and Eulers Constant (e) Calculator - This calculator does the following:
* Takes the Natural Log base e of a number x Ln(x) → logex
* Raises e to a power of y, ey
* Performs the change of base rule on logb(x)
* Solves equations in the form bcx = d where b, c, and d are constants and x is any variable a-z
* Solves equations in the form cedx=b where b, c, and d are constants, e is Eulers Constant = 2.71828182846, and x is any variable a-z
* Exponential form to logarithmic form for expressions such as 53 = 125 to logarithmic form
* Logarithmic form to exponential form for expressions such as Log5125 = 3

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Matrix Properties

Free Matrix Properties Calculator - Given a matrix |A|, this calculates the following items if they exist:
* Determinant = det(A)
* Inverse = A-1
* Transpose = AT
* Adjoint = adj(A)
* Eigen equation (characteristic polynomial) = det|λI - A|
* Trace = tr(A)
* Gauss-Jordan Elimination using Row Echelon and Reduced Row Echelon Form
* Dimensions of |A| m x n
* Order of a matrix
* Euclidean Norm ||A||
* Magic Sum if it exists
* Determines if |A| is an Exchange Matrix

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Percentage Change

Free Percentage Change Calculator - Calculates the percentage change between two values. Percentage Increase or Percentage Decrease

Percentage-Decimal-Fraction Relations

Free Percentage-Decimal-Fraction Relations Calculator - Calculates the relational items between a fraction, a decimal (including repeating decimal and terminating decimal), a percentage, and the numerator and denominator piece of that fraction. Also calculates the percentage change going from one number to another or the amount increase or decrease of a percentage above/below a number. Round decimals. decimals into fractions

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Free Strain Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the strain equation: Change in Length, Strain, and Original Length

Temperature Change

Free Temperature Change Calculator - This calculator determines the total temperature change
