123 results

percentage - a specified amount in or for every hundred. one part in every hundred.

$6500 is 7/10 of a number. What is the number
The number is $9,285 from our [URL='']percentage-decimal-fraction calculator[/URL].

15 out of 18 students agreed. What percentage did not?
18 - 15 = 3 student disagreed. 3/18 is the fraction of student who disagreed. [URL='']Converting to a percentage using our fraction to decimal calculator, we get:[/URL] 16.67%

2000 people attended a baseball game 1300 of the people attending supported the home team while 700
2000 people attended a baseball game 1300 of the people attending supported the home team while 700 supported the visiting team what percentage of people attending supported the home team We want the percentage of 1300 out of 2000. [URL='']We go to our search engine and type 1300 out of 2300 as a percent[/URL] and we get: [B]65%[/B]

24 students in a class took an algebra test and 19 of them earned a B or better. What percent of stu
24 students in a class took an algebra test and 19 of them earned a B or better. What percent of students earned a B or better? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], we have: 19/24 = [B]79.1667%[/B]

3 children painted a local park track of 5000m, Alex painted 70m, Dell painted 15m, and Tony painted
3 children painted a local park track of 5000m, Alex painted 70m, Dell painted 15m, and Tony painted 35m. This pattern continues to the end of the track. What percentage of the park did each child paint? 70 + 15 + 35 = 120 When we take[URL=''] 5000 divided by 120[/URL], we get: 41 remainder 80 So we have: [LIST] [*]Alex: 70 * 41 = 2870 [*]Dell: 15 * 41 = 615 [*]Tony: 35 * 41 = 1435 [/LIST] Now Alex goes next, and paints the full 70. So he has: 2870 + 70 = 2940 Dell goes next, and paints the last 10 615 + 10 = 625 Now for percentages: [LIST] [*]Alex: 2940/5000 = [B]58.8%[/B] [*]Dell: 625/5000 = [B]12.5%[/B] [*]Tony: 1435/5000 = [B]28.7%[/B] [/LIST]

401(k) Balance
Free 401(k) Balance Calculator - Determines your 401(k) balance given a salary history per year, contribution percentage rate, employer match percentage, and a rate of return.

45.62% of Ricks home is lit at night with fluorescent bulbs and the remaining with LED lights. what
45.62% of Ricks home is lit at night with fluorescent bulbs and the remaining with LED lights. what is the percentage is lit with LED lights? Since the remaining is lit with LED lights, fluorescent and LED make up 100% of the lighting. So we have: Percentage of LED lights = 100% - 45.62% Percentage of LED lights = [B]54.38%[/B]

46% of bullied students report notifying an adult at school about the incident. How much of the perc
46% of bullied students report notifying an adult at school about the incident. How much of the percentage did not notify an adult? When it comes to bullying, either a student notified or did not notify. If 46% notified, then: 100% - 46% = [B]54% did not notify[/B]

54% of students got an F, 15% of students got a D, 19% of students got a B and 12% of students got a
54% of students got an F, 15% of students got a D, 19% of students got a B and 12% of students got an A. if there were 26 students, how many got an F? First, we check our total percentages: 54% + 15% + 19% + 12% = 100% <-- Good, we have our full sample set F Students = 54% * 26 F Students = 14.04 -->[B] 14[/B]

A $650 television costs $702 after sales tax is figured in. What is the sales tax percentage?
A $650 television costs $702 after sales tax is figured in. What is the sales tax percentage? [U]Calculate Sales Tax Amount:[/U] Sales Tax Amount = Total Bill - Original Cost Sales Tax Amount = 702 - 650 Sales Tax Amount = 52 [U]Calculate Sales Tax Percentage:[/U] Sales Tax Percentage = 100% * Sales Tax Amount / Original Cost Sales Tax Percentage = 100% * 52 / 650 Sales Tax Percentage = 100% * 0.08 Sales Tax Percentage = [B]8%[/B]

A 5L juice container has 3.6L of juice left. What percentage has been used?
A 5L juice container has 3.6L of juice left. What percentage has been used? What has been used? 5L - 3.6L = 1.4L Now, the [URL='']percentage used[/URL] is 1.4L/5.4L = [B]25.93%[/B]

A baseball card that was valued at $100 in 1970 has increased in value by 8% each year. Write a func
A baseball card that was valued at $100 in 1970 has increased in value by 8% each year. Write a function to model the situation the value of the card in 2020.Let x be number of years since 1970 The formula for accumulated value of something with a percentage growth p and years x is: V(x) = Initial Value * (1 + p/100)^x Set up our growth equation where 8% = 0.08 and V(y) for the value at time x and x = 2020 - 1970 = 50, we have: V(x) = 100 * (1 + 8/100)^50 V(x) = 100 * (1.08)^50 V(x) = 100 * 46.9016125132 V(x) = [B]4690.16[/B]

A baseball team won 40% of its first 30 games. The team then won 65% of its next 60 games. Approxima
A baseball team won 40% of its first 30 games. The team then won 65% of its next 60 games. Approximately what percent of the games did the team win? Using our percentage calculators, we type the following statements into our search engine and get: [URL='']45% of 30[/URL] = 13.5 [URL='']65% of 60[/URL] = 39 For a total of 52.5 games won The team played 30 + 60 = 90 games. So we want to know the pecent: [URL='']52/90[/URL] = [B]57.78%[/B]

A bedroom set that normally sells for $1100 is on sale for 15% off. If sales tax rate is 2%, what is
A bedroom set that normally sells for $1100 is on sale for 15% off. If sales tax rate is 2%, what is the total price of the bedroom set if it is bought while on sale? [U]Calculate the sale price:[/U] Sale Price = Normal Price * (1 - Sales Percentage) [U]With our sales percentage of 15% = 0.15, we have:[/U] Sale Price = 1100 * (1 - 0.15) Sale Price = 1100 * (0.85) Sale Price = 935 [U]Calculate post tax amount:[/U] Post tax amount = Sale Price * (1 + Tax Percentage) [U]With our tax percentage of 2% = 0.02, we have:[/U] Post tax amount = 935 * (1 + 0.02) Post tax amount = 935 * (1.02) Post tax amount = [B]$953.70[/B]

A bike is purchased for $200 and sold for $150. Determine the percentage of profit or loss.
A bike is purchased for $200 and sold for $150. Determine the percentage of profit or loss. [U]Since sale price is less than purchase price, we have a loss:[/U] Loss = Sale Price - Purchase Price Loss = 150 - 200 Loss = -50 [U]Calculate percent loss:[/U] Percent Loss = 100% * Loss / Purchase Price Percent Loss = 100% * -50/200 Percent Loss = 100% *- 1/4 Percent Loss = [B]-25%[/B]

A camera normally cost for $450 is on sale for $315 what is the discount rate as the percentage on t
A camera normally cost for $450 is on sale for $315 what is the discount rate as the percentage on the camera Using our [URL='']markdown calculator[/URL], we get: [B]-30%[/B]

A car is bought for $2400 and sold one year later $1440 find the loss as a percentage of the cost pr
A car is bought for $2400 and sold one year later $1440 find the loss as a percentage of the cost price. (2400 - 1440)/2400 960/2400 0.4 As a percentage, we multiply by 100 to get [B]40%[/B]

A coat normally costs $100. First, there was a 20% discount. Then, later, it was marked down 30% off
A coat normally costs $100. First, there was a 20% discount. Then, later, it was marked down 30% off of the discounted priced. How much does the coat cost now? Calculate discounted price: Discounted Price = Full Price * (1 - Discount Percentage) Discounted Price = 100 * (1 - 0.20) <-- Since 20% = 0.2 Discounted Price = 100 * (0.80) Discounted Price = 80 Now calculate marked down price off the discount price: Markdown Price = Discount Price * (1 - Markdown Percentage) Markdown Price = 80 * (1 - 0.30) <-- Since 30% = 0.3 Markdown Price = 80 * (0.70) Markdown Price = [B]56[/B]

A department store buys 100 shirts at a cost of $600 and sells them at a selling price of 10 each fi
A department store buys 100 shirts at a cost of $600 and sells them at a selling price of 10 each find the percentage mark up Find Unit Cost: Unit Cost = Cost / Number of Shirts Unit Cost = 600 / 100 Unit Cost = 6 With a selling price of 10, our markup percentage is: Markup % = 100 * (New Price - Old Price)/Old Price Markup % = 100 * (10 - 6)/6 Markup % = 100 * 4/6 Markup % = 400/6 Markup % = [B]66.67%[/B]

A discount store buys a shipment of fish bowls at a cost of $3.80 each. The fish bowls will be sold
A discount store buys a shipment of fish bowls at a cost of $3.80 each. The fish bowls will be sold for $5.76 apiece. What is the mark-up, as a percentage? Using our [URL='']markup calculator[/URL], we get: [B]51.58% markup[/B]

A large bag of candy contains 84 blue candies, 96 red candies, and 120 yellow candies. What percent
A large bag of candy contains 84 blue candies, 96 red candies, and 120 yellow candies. What percent of the candies are red? [U]Calculate total candies:[/U] Total Candies = Blue Candies + Red Candies + Yellow Candies Total Candies = 84 + 96 + 120 Total Candies = 300 [U]Now calculate the red candy percentage:[/U] Red Candy Percent = 100 * Red Candies / Total Candies Red Candy Percent = 100 * 96 / 300 Red Candy Percent = 9600 / 300 Red Candy Percent = [B]32%[/B]

A laundry basket contains 30 socks, of which 9 are black. What is the probability that a randomly s
A laundry basket contains 30 socks, of which 9 are black. What is the probability that a randomly selected sock will be black? P(Black) = 9/30 Simplifying, we can divide top and bottom by 3: [B]3/10 3/10 as a percentage is 30%[/B]

A man bought a mobile phone for $800 and sold it for $1000. What was his profit as a percentage of t
A man bought a mobile phone for $800 and sold it for $1000. What was his profit as a percentage of the cost price Calculate Profit: Profit = Sales Price - Cost Profit = 1000 - 800 Profit = 200 Calculate profit percentage: Profit Percentage = Profit * 100 / Cost Profit Percentage = 800 * 100 / 200 Profit Percentage = [B]400%[/B]

A number cube is rolled and a coin is tossed. The number cube and the coin are fair. What is the pro
A number cube is rolled and a coin is tossed. The number cube and the coin are fair. What is the probability that the number rolled is greater than 3 and the coin toss is heads? Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form Let's review the vitals of this question: [LIST] [*]The probability of heads on a fair coin is 1/2. [*]On a fair die, greater than 3 means either 4, 5, or 6. Any die roll face is a 1/6 probability. [*]So we have a combination of outcomes below: [/LIST] Outcomes [LIST=1] [*]Heads and 4 [*]Heads and 5 [*]Heads and 6 [/LIST] For each of the outcomes, we assign a probability. Since the coin flip and die roll are independent, we multiply the probabilities: [LIST=1] [*]P(Heads and 4) = 1/2 * 1/6 = 1/12 [*]P(Heads and 5) = 1/2 * 1/6 = 1/12 [*]P(Heads and 6) = 1/2 * 1/6 = 1/12 [/LIST] Since we want any of those events, we add all three probabilities 1/12 + 1/12 + 1/12 = 3/12 This fraction is not simplified. S[URL='']o we type this fraction into our search engine, and choose Simplify[/URL]. We get a probability of [B]1/4[/B]. By the way, if you need a decimal answer or percentage answer instead of a fraction, we type in the following phrase into our search engine: [URL='']1/4 to decimal[/URL] Alternative Answers: [LIST] [*]For a decimal, we get [B]0.25[/B] [*]For a percentage, we get [B]25%[/B] [/LIST]

A number of dogs are to equally share a bag of dog food. If there are n dogs in the group and one do
A number of dogs are to equally share a bag of dog food. If there are [I]n[/I] dogs in the group and one dog eats its share, what percent of the bag is left? Fraction of the bag left is: (n - 1)/n Multiply by 100 to get a percentage: [B]100(n - 1)/n[/B]

A piece of gym equipment which cost 450 including vat last year is now selling at 500 excluding vat.
A piece of gym equipment which cost 450 including vat last year is now selling at 500 excluding vat. Calculate the percentage increase. Increase = (New Price - Old Price)/Old Price Increase = (500-450)/450 50/450 = 0.1111 To get the percentage, multiply by 100 [B]11.11%[/B]

A private high school charges $52,200 for tuition, but this figure is expected to rise 7% per year.
A private high school charges $52,200 for tuition, but this figure is expected to rise 7% per year. What will tuition be in 3 years? We have the following appreciation equation A(y) where y is the number of years: A(y) = Initial Balance * (1 + appreciation percentage)^ years Appreciation percentage of 7% is written as 0.07, so we have: A(3) = 52,200 * (1 + 0.07)^3 A(3) = 52,200 * (1.07)^3 A(3) = 52,200 * 1.225043 A(3) = [B]63,947.25[/B]

A random sample of 25 customers was chosen in CCP MiniMart between 3:00 and 4:00 PM on a Friday afte
A random sample of 25 customers was chosen in CCP MiniMart between 3:00 and 4:00 PM on a Friday afternoon. The frequency distribution below shows the distribution for checkout time (in minutes). Checkout Time (in minutes) | Frequency | Relative Frequency 1.0 - 1.9 | 2 | ? 2.0 - 2.9 | 8 | ? 3.0 - 3.9 | ? | ? 4.0 - 5.9 | 5 | ? Total | 25 | ? (a) Complete the frequency table with frequency and relative frequency. (b) What percentage of the checkout times was less than 3 minutes? (c)In what class interval must the median lie? Explain your answer. (d) Assume that the largest observation in this dataset is 5.8. Suppose this observation were incorrectly recorded as 8.5 instead of 5.8. Will the mean increase, decrease, or remain the same? Will the median increase, decrease or remain the same? Why? (a) [B]Checkout Time (in minutes) | Frequency | Relative Frequency 1.0 - 1.9 | 2 | 2/25 2.0 - 2.9 | 8 | 8/25 3.0 - 3.9 | 10 (since 25 - 5 + 8 + 2) = 10 | 10/25 4.0 - 5.9 | 5 | 5/25 Total | 25 | ?[/B] (b) (2 + 8)/25 = 10/25 = [B]40%[/B] c) [B]3.0 - 3.9[/B] since 2 + 8 + 10 + 5 = 25 and 13 is the middle value which occurs in the 3.0 - 3.9 interval (d) [B]Mean increases[/B] since it's a higher value than usual. Median would not change as the median is the most frequent distribution and assuming the 5.8 is only recorded once.

A recent survey showed that 44% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desir
A recent survey showed that 44% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desire employment benefit. In a graduating class of 870 college students, how many would you expect to rank flexible hours as their top priority in job benefits? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], 44% of 870 = 382.8 ~ [B]383[/B]

A recent survey showed that 49% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desir
A recent survey showed that 49% of recent college graduates named flexible hours as their most desire employment benefit. In a graduating class of 820 college students, how many would you expect to rank flexible hours as their top priority in job benefits? 49% of 820, using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], we get: 401.8 ~ [B]402[/B]

A restaurant chain sells 15,000 pizzas each month, and 70% of the pizzas are topped with pepperoni.
A restaurant chain sells 15,000 pizzas each month, and 70% of the pizzas are topped with pepperoni. Of these, 2/3 also have peppers. How many pizzas have pepperoni and peppers? We multiply the pizzas sold by the percentage of pepperoni times the fraction of peppers. Since 70% is 7/10, we have: Pizzas with pepperoni and peppers = 15,000 * 7/10 * 2/3 7/10 * 2/3 = 14/30. [URL='']Using our fraction simplifier calculator[/URL], we can reduce this to 7/15 Pizzas with pepperoni and peppers = 15,000 * 7/15 Pizzas with pepperoni and peppers = [B]7,000[/B]

A retired couple invested $8000 in bonds. At the end of one year, they received an interest payment
A retired couple invested $8000 in bonds. At the end of one year, they received an interest payment of $584. What was the simple interest rate of the bonds? For simple interest, we have: Balance * interest rate = Interest payment 8000i = 584 Divide each side of the equation by 8000 to isolate i: 8000i/8000 = 584/8000 Cancelling the 8000's on the left side, we get: i = 0.073 Most times, interest rates are expressed as a percentage. Percentage interest = Decimal interest * 100% Percentage interest = 0.073 * 100% Multiplying by 100 is the same as moving the decimal point two places right: Percentage interest = [B]7.3%[/B]

A salesperson earns a commission of $364 for selling $2600 in merchandise. Find the commission rate.
A salesperson earns a commission of $364 for selling $2600 in merchandise. Find the commission rate. Write your answer as a percentage. Commission percentage = Commission Amount / Sales Price Commission percentage = 364 / 2600 Commission percentage = 0.14 Multiply by 100 to get the percentage: 0.14 * 100 = [B]14%[/B]

a school 220 grade 9 students. 140of those students are female. what percentage of grade 9 students
a school 220 grade 9 students. 140of those students are female. what percentage of grade 9 students are female We want [URL='']140/220 as a percent[/URL] = [B]63.64%[/B]

A shopkeeper buys a box of 20 cans of cola for $10. He sells the cans for 65 cents each. Work out hi
A shopkeeper buys a box of 20 cans of cola for $10. He sells the cans for 65 cents each. Work out his percentage profit. [U]Calculate Revenue[/U] Revenue = Sale price per can * number of cans Revenue = 0.65 * 20 Revenue = 13 [U]Calculate Profit given a cost of $10:[/U] Profit = Revenue - Cost Profit = 13 - 10 Profit = 3 [U]Calculate Percentage Profit:[/U] Percentage Profit = Profit/Revenue * 100% Percentage Profit = 3/13 * 100% Percentage Profit = 0.23076923076 * 100% Percentage Profit = [B]23.08%[/B]

A store sells books for 50% off on Sundays. The store advertises that on Easter Sunday the store tak
A store sells books for 50% off on Sundays. The store advertises that on Easter Sunday the store takes an additional 25% off. What would a pile of books cost on Easter Sunday that normally sell for $100 on a Thursday? 50% off means we'd pay 100% - 50% = 50% An additional 25% off means we'd pay 100% - 25% = 75% Build this percentage paid stack below 100 * 50% * 75% = [B]37.50[/B]

A town has a population of 50,000. Its rate increases 8% every 6 months. Find the population after 4
A town has a population of 50,000. Its rate increases 8% every 6 months. Find the population after 4 years. Every 6 months means twice a year. So we have 4 years * twice a year increase = 8 compounding periods. Our formula for compounding an initial population P at time t is P(t) at a compounding percentage i: P(t) = P * (1 + i)^t Since 8% is 0.08 as a decimal and t = 4 *2 = 8, we have: P(8) = 50000 * (1.08)^8 P(8) = 50000 * 1.85093 P(8) = 92,546.51 Since we can't have a partial person, we round down to [B]92,545[/B]

A virus is spreading exponentially. The initial amount of people infected is 40 and is increasing at
A virus is spreading exponentially. The initial amount of people infected is 40 and is increasing at a rate of 5% per day. How many people will be infected with the virus after 12 days? We have an exponential growth equation below V(d) where d is the amount of days, g is the growth percentage, and V(0) is the initial infected people: V(d) = V(0) * (1 + g/100)^d Plugging in our numbers, we get: V(12) = 40 * (1 + 5/100)^12 V(12) = 40 * 1.05^12 V(12) = 40 * 1.79585632602 V(12) = 71.8342530409 or [B]71[/B]

A woman earns $2400 per month and budgets $480 per month for food. What percent of her monthly incom
A woman earns $2400 per month and budgets $480 per month for food. What percent of her monthly income is spent on food? 480/2400 using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL] is [B]20%[/B].

After 20 minutes, Juan had completed 12 questions, which is 0.7 of his assignment. What percent of t
After 20 minutes, Juan had completed 12 questions, which is 0.7 of his assignment. What percent of the assignment has Juan NOT completed? We know that 0.7 as a percentage is: 0.7 * 100% = 70% In this problem, we have either or. Juan either completed the question or DID NOT complete the question. 100% of questions has one of two classifications - Completed or not completed. This means Juan did not complete the following amount of questions: 100% - 70% = [B]30%[/B]

Ali needs to make a total of 90 deliveries this week. So far he has completed 72 of them. What perce
Ali needs to make a total of 90 deliveries this week. So far he has completed 72 of them. What percentage of his total deliveries has Ali completed [URL='']Enter 72/90 into our search engine and choose the percentage option[/URL] and we get [B]80%[/B].

Ali spent $60 at the grocery store. Of this amount, he spent $51 on fruit. What percentage of the to
Ali spent $60 at the grocery store. Of this amount, he spent $51 on fruit. What percentage of the total did he spend on fruit? 51/60 = 0.85 Multiply 0.85 by 100 to get the percentage 0.85 * 100 = [B]85%[/B]

An item cost $370 before tax, and the sales tax is 25.90 what is the percentage?
An item cost $370 before tax, and the sales tax is 25.90 what is the percentage? Sales Tax = Tax Amount/Original Bill Sales Tax = 25.90/370 Sales Tax = 0.07 Multiply by 100 to convert to a percent, we have[B] 7%[/B]

An item costs $470 before tax, and the sales tax is $14.10. Find the sales tax rate. Write your answ
An item costs $470 before tax, and the sales tax is $14.10. Find the sales tax rate. Write your answer as a percentage. Sales Tax Percent = 100% * Sales Tax / Before Tax Amount Sales Tax Percent = 100% * 14.10 / 470 Sales Tax Percent = 100% * 0.03 Sales Tax Percent = [B]3%[/B]

At a certain university, 60% of the students enrolled in a math course, 50% are enrolled in an Engli
At a certain university, 60% of the students enrolled in a math course, 50% are enrolled in an English course, and 40% are enrolled in both. What percentage of the students are enrolled in an English course and/or a math course? Let M be a math course, E be an english course, We are given: [LIST] [*]P(M) = 0.6 [*]P(E) = 0.5 [*]P(E AND M) = 0.4 [*]We want P(E U M) [/LIST] Using [URL='']two event probability[/URL], we get [B]P(E U M) = 0.7[/B]

At what simple interest rate will 4500$ amount to 8000$ in 5 years?
At what simple interest rate will 4500$ amount to 8000$ in 5 years? Simple Interest is written as 1 + it. With t = 5, we have: 4500(1 + 5i) = 8000 Divide each side by 4500 1 + 5i = 1.77777778 Subtract 1 from each side: 5i = 0.77777778 Divide each side by 5 i = 0.15555 As a percentage we multiply by 100 to get [B]15.5%[/B]

Binomial Option Pricing Model
Free Binomial Option Pricing Model Calculator - This shows all 2t scenarios for a stock option price on a binomial tree using (u) as an uptick percentage and (d) as a downtick percentage

Carol gets 5 each week for allowance. She saves 1 of her allowance. What percent of her allowance do
Carol gets 5 each week for allowance. She saves 1 of her allowance. What percent of her allowance does carol save? [U]Calculate the decimal:[/U] 1/5 = 0.2 [U]Convert the decimal to a percentage[/U] Percentage = Decimal * 100 Percentage = 100 * 0.2 [B]20%[/B]

CHEBYSHEVS THEOREM TELLS US THAT WHAT PERCENTAGE LIES BETWEEN 2.25 STANDARD DEVIATIONS? Using our [URL='']Chebyshevs Theorem calculator[/URL], we get: P(X - u| < kσ) >= [B]0.802469[/B]

cheryl scores 68 out of 80 on her science test, nadia scores 86 out of 120 on her science test and a
cheryl scores 68 out of 80 on her science test, nadia scores 86 out of 120 on her science test and ali scores 120 out of 150 on her science test. who preforms the best in his/her science test Cheryl: [URL='']68/80[/URL] = 85% Nadia: [URL='']86/120[/URL] = 71.67% Ali: [URL='']120/150[/URL] = 80% [B]Cheryl[/B] has the highest percentage, so she did the best on her test.

Confidence Interval of a Proportion
Free Confidence Interval of a Proportion Calculator - Given N, n, and a confidence percentage, this will calculate the estimation of confidence interval for the population proportion π including the margin of error. confidence interval of the population proportion

Coupon Comparison
Free Coupon Comparison Calculator - Given a cost of goods, a dollar off coupon, and a percentage off coupon, this calculator will compare the two deals and determine which one is of more value. If the dollar coupon wins, the calculator will project the break even price where the dollar coupon would surpass the percentage coupon

Credit Card Balance
Free Credit Card Balance Calculator - This calculator shows 3 methods for paying off a credit card balance on a monthly installment basis given an outstanding balance and an Annual Percentage Rate (APR):

1) Minimum Payment Amount
2) Minimum Percentage Amount
3) Payoff in Years

David had 20 pencils. 5 of them are green and 15 are purple. What percentage of pencils were gr
David had 20 pencils. 5 of them are green and 15 are purple. What percentage of pencils were green? Percentage of Green Pencils = 100* Green Pencils / Total Pencils Percentage of Green Pencils = 100* 5/20 Percentage of Green Pencils = 500 / 20 Percentage of Green Pencils = [B]25%[/B]

David obtained 5 out of 20 votes in the election. What percentage of the votes did david receive?
David obtained 5 out of 20 votes in the election. What percentage of the votes did david receive? 5/20 is the fraction. You can simplify by dividing top and bottom by 5 to get 1/4 As a decimal, this is 0.25 To get a percentage, multiply the decimal by 100 100 * 0.25 = 25% You can also use our [URL='']decimal-percentage-fraction converter[/URL]

Free Decay Calculator - Determines decay based on an initial mass and decay percentage and time.

During Michael Jordan's NBA career (1984–2003), he averaged a free throw completion percentage of 83
During Michael Jordan's NBA career (1984–2003), he averaged a free throw completion percentage of 83.5% in regular season play. If Jordan threw 8,772 free throws in his career, how many completed free throws did he make? We want [URL='']83.5% of 8772[/URL] which is 7324.62. We round down for completed free throws to get [B]7,324[/B]

Facebook provides a variety of statistics on its Web site that detail the growth and popularity of t
Facebook provides a variety of statistics on its Web site that detail the growth and popularity of the site. On average, 28 percent of 18 to 34 year olds check their Facebook profiles before getting out of bed in the morning. Suppose this percentage follows a normal distribution with a standard deviation of five percent. a. Find the probability that the percent of 18 to 34-year-olds who check Facebook before getting out of bed in the morning is at least 30. b. Find the 95th percentile, and express it in a sentence. a. P(X >=0.30), calculate the [URL='']z-score[/URL] which is: Z = 0.4 P(x>0.4) = [B]0.344578 or 34.46%[/B] b. Inverse Normal (0.95) [URL='']calculator[/URL] = 1.644853627 Use NORMSINV(0.95) on Excel 0.28 + 0.05(1.644853627) = [B]0.362242681 or 36.22%[/B]

final cost for a hair cut is 22.00 the tax is 2.00 what is the tax percentage
final cost for a hair cut is 22.00 the tax is 2.00 what is the tax percentage Calculate Tax Percentage Tax Percentage = 100% * Tax / Total Bill Tax Percentage = 100% * 2/22 Tax Percentage = 100% * 1/11 Tax Percentage = [B]9.09%[/B]

Heat Index
Free Heat Index Calculator - Given a temperature in Fahrenheit and a relative humidity percentage, this calculates the Heat Index.

Heather has completed six deliveries so far this week she needs to make 40 deliveries for the week w
Heather has completed six deliveries so far this week she needs to make 40 deliveries for the week what percentage of her deliveries has Heather completed? We want [URL='']6/40 as a percent[/URL] which is [B]15%[/B]

If 1/8 = y%, find y
If 1/8 = y%, find y Using our [URL='']fraction to percentage calculation[/URL], we see that: 1/8 = [B]12.5[/B]%

If 25% of 30% of x is 9, what is x?
If 25% of 30% of x is 9, what is x? Convert percentages to decimals when multiplying: 25% = 0.25 30% = 0.3 0.25 * 0.3 * x = 9 0.075x = 9 Using our math engine, we [URL='']type this equation in[/URL] and we get: x = [B]120 [MEDIA=youtube]5EwNxiBdLu0[/MEDIA][/B]

if a city grows by 12% per month what is the yearly growth rate
if a city grows by 12% per month what is the yearly growth rate We know that there are 12 months in a year. 12% = 0.12 Annual Growth Rate = (1 + Monthly Growth Rate)^12 - 1 Annual Growth Rate = (1 + 0.12)^12 - 1 Annual Growth Rate = (1.12)^12 - 1 Annual Growth Rate = 3.89597599255 - 1 Annual Growth Rate = 2.90 For our percentage, our annual growth rate is the Annual growth rate * 100% 2.90 * 100% = [B]290%[/B]

If the original price of an item was $30.00 and Joan only paid $24.00 for it, what percentage discou
If the original price of an item was $30.00 and Joan only paid $24.00 for it, what percentage discount did Joan receive on her purchase? She received 6 dollars off of a 30 dollar purchase, so we have 6/30 = 1/5 = 0.2 = [B]20%[/B]

If the probability of an event occurring is 7%, what is the probability of an event not occurring?
If the probability of an event occurring is 7%, what is the probability of an event not occurring? The probability of all event is 1, or 100%. If we treat the success of an event as p, then q is 1 - p. Using percentages, we have: q = 100% - p Given p = 7%, we have: q = 100% - 7% q = [B]93%[/B]

in 6th grade, veronica reads 45 books. in 7th grade she reads 63 books. what is the percent change?
in 6th grade, veronica reads 45 books. in 7th grade she reads 63 books. what is the percent change? Percent Change = 100% * (New Value - Old Value)/Old Value Percent Change = 100% * (63 - 45)/45 Percent Change = 100% * 18/45 Percent Change = 100% * 0.4 Percent Change = [B]40%[/B] [B] There is a percentage increase[/B]

In January 2017 the cost of postage stamps increased from 47 cents to 49 cents. What was the percent
In January 2017 the cost of postage stamps increased from 47 cents to 49 cents. What was the percent of increase? [URL='']Using our percentage change calculator[/URL], we get: [B]4.26% increase[/B]

In order to select new board members, the French club held an election. 63 out of the 90 members of
In order to select new board members, the French club held an election. 63 out of the 90 members of the French club voted in the election. What percentage of the members voted? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator[/URL], 63 out of 90 is [B]70%[/B]

In the past year, Yoko watched 76 movies that she thought were very good. She watched 80 movies ove
In the past year, Yoko watched 76 movies that she thought were very good. She watched 80 movies over the whole year. Of the movies she watched, what percentage did she think were very good? [URL='']Enter 76/80 into our search engine to get 95%[/URL].

Is 20% equivalent to 2/5?
Is 20% equivalent to 2/5? Let's compare fractions to fractions: 20% equals 1/5 from our [URL='']percentage-decimal-fraction calculator[/URL]. 1/5 < 2/5 so these fractions are [B][I]not equivalent[/I][/B].

Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out the year. What percent of the year did he work?
Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out the year. What percent of the year did he work? We know that there are 12 months in a year. Percentage worked = Months worked in a year / months in a year * 100% Percentage worked = 7/12 * 100% Percentage worked = 0.5833333 * 100% Multiplying by 100 means we shift the decimal place 2 spaces to the right: Percentage worked = [B]58.33%[/B]

John bought a painting for $600 and sold it for $648. Find the profit as a percentage of the cost.
John bought a painting for $600 and sold it for $648. Find the profit as a percentage of the cost. [U]Calculate the profit:[/U] Profit = Sale Price - Purchase price Profit = 648 - 600 Profit = 48 [U]Calculate Profit percentage of cost =[/U] Profit percentage of cost = 100% * Profit/cost Profit percentage of cost = 100% * 48 / 600 Profit percentage of cost = [B]8%[/B]

Jonathan earns a base salary of $1500 plus 10% of his sales each month. Raymond earns $1200 plus 15%
Jonathan earns a base salary of $1500 plus 10% of his sales each month. Raymond earns $1200 plus 15% of his sales each month. How much will Jonathan and Raymond have to sell in order to earn the same amount each month? [U]Step 1: Set up Jonathan's sales equation S(m) where m is the amount of sales made each month:[/U] S(m) = Commission percentage * m + Base Salary 10% written as a decimal is 0.1. We want decimals to solve equations easier. S(m) = 0.1m + 1500 [U]Step 2: Set up Raymond's sales equation S(m) where m is the amount of sales made each month:[/U] S(m) = Commission percentage * m + Base Salary 15% written as a decimal is 0.15. We want decimals to solve equations easier. S(m) = 0.15m + 1200 [U]The question asks what is m when both S(m)'s equal each other[/U]: The phrase [I]earn the same amount [/I]means we set Jonathan's and Raymond's sales equations equal to each other 0.1m + 1500 = 0.15m + 1200 We want to isolate m terms on one side of the equation. Subtract 1200 from each side: 0.1m + 1500 - 1200 = 0.15m + 1200 - 1200 Cancel the 1200's on the right side and we get: 0.1m - 300 = 0.15m Next, we subtract 0.1m from each side of the equation to isolate m 0.1m - 0.1m + 300 = 0.15m - 0.1m Cancel the 0.1m terms on the left side and we get: 300 = 0.05m Flip the statement since it's an equal sign to get the variable on the left side: 0.05m = 300 To solve for m, we divide each side of the equation by 0.05: 0.05m/0.05 = 300/0.05 Cancelling the 0.05 on the left side, we get: m = [B]6000[/B]

Kimberly is taking three online classes during the summer. She spends 10 hours each week studying fo
Kimberly is taking three online classes during the summer. She spends 10 hours each week studying for her marketing class, 12 hours studying for her statistics class, and 8 hours studying for her business law class. What percent of her study time does she spend for her statistics class? The percentage equals hours spent on statistics divided by total hours spent studying for everything. [U]Calculate total study hours:[/U] Total Study Hours = Marketing Class Study Hours + Statistics Class Study Hours + Business Law Study Hours Total Study Hours = 10 + 8 + 12 Total Study Hours = [B]30[/B] [U]Calculate Statistics Study Hours Percentage:[/U] Statistics Study Hours Percentage = Statistics Class Study Hours / Total Study Hours Statistics Class Study Hours = 8/30 Using our [URL='']fraction to decimal calculator[/URL], we get Statistics Class Study Hours = [B]26.67%[/B]

Free MAPE - MPE - MAPD Calculator - Given a time series of actual and forecasted values, this determines the following:
* Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) also known as the Mean Absolute Percentage Deviation (MAPD)
* Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (sMAPE)
* Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MPE)

Markup Markdown
Free Markup Markdown Calculator - Given the 3 items of a markup word problem, cost, markup percentage, and sale price, this solves for any one of the three given two of the items. This works as a markup calculator, markdown calculator.

My rent was 800.00 a month. My landlord raised my rent to 1,240.00. What percentage did he raise m
My rent was 800.00 a month. My landlord raised my rent to 1,240.00. What percentage did he raise my rent?. First, calculate the difference between the old and new rent: Difference = 1,240 - 800 = 440 Percentage increase = 440/800 [URL='']Type 440/800 into the search engine, and choose the percent option[/URL] You get [B]55%[/B] increase.

Need help quickly! My math skills are escaping me!
If I have 13 participants attending new hire class. 3 of them did not pass, 10 passed successfully. What is the percentage of success? What is the ratio of success? I don't believe there is a ratio, I could be wrong. Probably so, math does not agree with me! Please help! Thank you!

Need help quickly! My math skills are escaping me!
Success Percentage: 3/13 = 0.2308 = 23.08% Success to failure ratio = 3:10

Of the 800 students of a school, 600 have traveled. What percentage of the students went on a trip?
Of the 800 students of a school, 600 have traveled. What percentage of the students went on a trip? Our percentage is found as 600/800. Simplifying by dividing top and bottom by 100, we have: 6/8 Divide top and bottom by 2, we get: 3/4 or [B]75% [/B] You can also type in the [URL='']search engine[/URL]: 600/800 as percent.

Of the worlds 7.5 billion people, 1.2 billion people live on less than 4 per day. Calculate the perc
Of the worlds 7.5 billion people, 1.2 billion people live on less than 4 per day. Calculate the percent of the worlds population who lives on less than 4 per day? We want the percentage 1.2/7.5. [URL='']Type this fraction into our search engine[/URL], choose percentage, and we get: [B]16%[/B]

On the math test, Ralph answered 17 out of 20 problems. What percent did he get right?
On the math test, Ralph answered 17 out of 20 problems. What percent did he get right? Using our [URL='']percentage calculator or entering the phrase 17 out of 20 in the search engine[/URL], we get: [B]85%[/B]

P-Hat Confidence Interval
Free P-Hat Confidence Interval Calculator - Given a large sized distribution, and a success amount for a certain criteria x, and a confidence percentage, this will calculate the confidence interval for that criteria.

Percent Error
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Percentage Appreciation
Free Percentage Appreciation Calculator - Solves for Book Value given a flat rate percentage appreciation per period

Percentage Change
Free Percentage Change Calculator - Calculates the percentage change between two values. Percentage Increase or Percentage Decrease

Percentage Depreciation
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Percentage of Completion
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Percentage of the Pie Word Problem
Free Percentage of the Pie Word Problem Calculator - This takes two or three fractions of ownership in some good or object, and figures out what remaining fraction is left over.

Percentage Word Problems
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Percentage-Decimal-Fraction Relations
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Free Price Calculator - Given a cost and a gross margin percentage, this calculator calculates price, gross profit, markup percentage

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Rebound Ratio
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Resistor Color Codes
Free Resistor Color Codes Calculator - Given 3 Band level color codes and a tolerance color chosen, this calculates the resistance in ohms and the tolerance percentage

Rose weighs 140 pounds and gains 10%. What percent of her new weight must she lose to get back to 14
Rose weighs 140 pounds and gains 10%. What percent of her new weight must she lose to get back to 140 pounds? Find her new weight after the 10% gain: New Weight = Starting Weight * (1 + 10%) Since 10% is 0.1, we have: New Weight = Starting Weight * (1 + 0.1) New Weight = Starting Weight * (1.1) Plug in our numbers: New Weight = 140 * (1.1) New Weight = 154 To get back to 140, Rose must lose 154 - 140 = 14 pounds. As a percentage of her new weight, [URL='']we type 14/154 into our search engine[/URL], and get: [B]9.09% [/B] [I]We read this as, Rose must lose 9.09% of her current body weight of 154 pounds to get back to her starting weight of 140 pounds.[/I]

Sales Tax
Free Sales Tax Calculator - Given a sales price and a total bill, this calculates the sales tax amount and sales tax percentage

Sample Size Reliability for μ
Free Sample Size Reliability for μ Calculator - Given a population standard deviation σ, a reliability (confidence) value or percentage, and a variation, this will calculate the sample size necessary to make that test valid.

Sample Size Requirement for the Difference of Means
Free Sample Size Requirement for the Difference of Means Calculator - Given a population standard deviation 1 of σ1, a population standard deviation 2 of σ2 a reliability (confidence) value or percentage, and a variation, this will calculate the sample size necessary to make that test valid.

Six Years ago, 12.2% of registered births were to teenage mothers. A sociologist believes that the
Six Years ago, 12.2% of registered births were to teenage mothers. A sociologist believes that the percentage has decreased since then. (a) Which of the following is the hypothesis to be conducted? A. H0: p = 0.122, H1 p > 0.122 B. H0: p = 0.122, H1 p <> 0.122 C. H0: p = 0.122, H1 p < 0.122 (b) Which of the following is a Type I error? A. The sociologist rejects the hypothesis that the percentage of births to teenage mothers is 12.2%, when the true percentage is less than 12.2% B. The sociologist fails to reject the hypothesis that the percentage of births to teenage mothers is 12.2%, when the true percentage is less than 12.2% C. The sociologist rejects the hypothesis that the percentage of births to teenage mothers is 12.2%, when it is the true percentage. c) Which of the following is a Type II error? A. The sociologist rejects the hypothesis that the percentage of births to teenage mothers is 12.2%, when it is the true percentage B. The sociologist fails to reject the hypothesis that the percentage of births to teenage mothers is 12.2%, when it is the true percentage C. The sociologist fails to reject the hypothesis that the percentage of births to teenage mothers is 12.2%, when the true percentage is less than 12.2% (a) [B]C H0: p = 0.122, H1: p < 0.122[/B] because a null hypothesis should take the opposite of what is being assumed. So the assumption is that nothing has changed while the hypothesis is that the rate has decreased. (b) [B]C.[/B] The sociologist rejects the hypothesis that the percentage of births to teenage mothers is 12.2%, when it is the true percentage. Type I Error is rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true c) [B]C.[/B] The sociologist fails to reject the hypothesis that the percentage of births to teenage mothers is 12.2%, when the true percentage is less than 12.2% Type II Error is accepting the null hypothesis when it is false.

Solution Mixture
Free Solution Mixture Calculator - Determines a necessary amount of a Solution given two solution percentages and 1 solution amount.

Stephanie and her sister go bowling every weekend and have been keeping track of their wins for the
Stephanie and her sister go bowling every weekend and have been keeping track of their wins for the last couple months. So far, Stephanie has won 8 out the total 18 games that they have played. if Stephanie wishes to have an 80% winning record, how many games in a row will Stephanie have to win, without losing? Track each game the percentage [LIST=1] [*]8 out of 18 = 44.44% [*]9 out of 19 = 47.37% [*]10 out of 20 = 50% [*]11 out of 21 = 52.38% [*]12 out of 22 = 54.55% [*]13 out of 23 = 56.52% [*]14 out of 24 = 58.33% [*]15 out of 25 = 60% [*]16 out of 26 = 61.54% [*]17 out of 27 = 62.96% [*]18 out of 28 = 64.29% [*]19 out of 29 = 65.52% [*]20 out of 30 = 66.67% [*]21 out of 31 = 67.74% [*]22 out of 32 = 68.75% [*]23 out of 33 = 69.7% [*]24 out of 34 = 70.59% [*]25 out of 35 = 71.43% [*]26 out of 36 = 72.22% [*]27 out of 37 = 72.97% [*]28 out of 38 = 73.68% [*]29 out of 39 = 74.36% [*]30 out of 40 = 75% [*]31 out of 41 = 75.61% [*]32 out of 42 = 76.19% [*]33 out of 43 = 76.74% [*]34 out of 44 = 77.27% [*]35 out of 45 = 77.78% [*]36 out of 46 = 78.26% [*]37 out of 47 = 78.72% [*]38 out of 48 = 79.17% [*]39 out of 49 = 79.59% [*][B]40 out of 50 = 80%[/B] [/LIST] [B]So our answer is 32 games in a row[/B]

students at East Central High School earned $384 selling car washes. They want to make $2690 for a c
Students at East Central High School earned $384 selling car washes. They want to make $2690 for a club trip. What percent of their goal has been reached? 384/2690 = [B]14.28%[/B] using our [URL='']percentage-decimal calculator[/URL]

Suppose 5% of a package of balloons are yellow balloons. Then what percentage of balloons are a diff
Suppose 5% of a package of balloons are yellow balloons. Then what percentage of balloons are a different color than yellow? Our total possibilities of any color balloon is 100%. So we have: Non-yellow balloons = 100% - yellow balloons percent Non-yellow balloons = 100% - 5% Non-yellow balloons = [B]95%[/B]

The brand manager for a brand of toothpaste must plan a campaign designed to increase brand recognit
The brand manager for a brand of toothpaste must plan a campaign designed to increase brand recognition. He wants to first determine the percentage of adults who have heard of the bran. How many adults must he survey in order to be 90% confident that his estimate is within seven percentage points of the true population percentage? [IMG][/IMG] = 0.5 1 - [IMG][/IMG] = 0.5 margin of error (E) = 0.07 At 90% confidence level the t is, alpha = 1 - 90% alpha = 1 - 0.90 alpha = 0.10 alpha / 2 = 0.10 / 2 = 0.05 Zalpha/2 = Z0.05 = 1.645 sample size = n = (Z[IMG][/IMG] / 2 / E )2 * [IMG][/IMG] * (1 - [IMG][/IMG] ) = (1.645 / 0.07)^2 *0.5*0.5 23.5^2 * 0.5 * 0.5 552.25 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 138.06 [B]sample size = 138[/B] [I]He must survey 138 adults in order to be 90% confident that his estimate is within seven percentage points of the true population percentage.[/I]

The first significant digit in any number must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. It was discovered t
The first significant digit in any number must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. It was discovered that first digits do not occur with equal frequency. Probabilities of occurrence to the first digit in a number are shown in the accompanying table. The probability distribution is now known as Benford's Law. For example, the following distribution represents the first digits in 231 allegedly fraudulent checks written to a bogus company by an employee attempting to embezzle funds from his employer. Digit, Probability 1, 0.301 2, 0.176 3, 0.125 4, 0.097 5, 0.079 6, 0.067 7, 0.058 8, 0.051 9, 0.046 [B][U]Fradulent Checks[/U][/B] Digit, Frequency 1, 36 2, 32 3, 45 4, 20 5, 24 6, 36 7, 15 8, 16 9, 7 Complete parts (a) and (b). (a) Using the level of significance α = 0.05, test whether the first digits in the allegedly fraudulent checks obey Benford's Law. Do the first digits obey the Benford's Law?
Yes or No Based on the results of part (a), could one think that the employe is guilty of embezzlement? Yes or No Show frequency percentages Digit Fraud Probability Benford Probability 1 0.156 0.301 2 0.139 0.176 3 0.195 0.125 4 0.087 0.097 5 0.104 0.079 6 0.156 0.067 7 0.065 0.058 8 0.069 0.051 9 0.03 0.046 Take the difference between the 2 values, divide it by the Benford's Value. Sum up the squares to get the Test Stat of 2.725281277 Critical Value Excel: =CHIINV(0.95,8) = 2.733 Since test stat is less than critical value, we cannot reject, so [B]YES[/B], it does obey Benford's Law and [B]NO[/B], there is not enough evidence to suggest the employee is guilty of embezzlement.

The pieces of a 500 piece puzzle are stored in three containers. 220 pieces are in the first contain
The pieces of a 500 piece puzzle are stored in three containers. 220 pieces are in the first container and 180 pieces are in the second container. What percentage of the pieces is in the third container? [U]Calculate the number of pieces in the 3rd container:[/U] Pieces in container 3 = Total Puzzle Pieces - Pieces in container 2 - Pieces in container 1 Pieces in container 3 = 500 - 220 - 180 Pieces in container 3 = 100 Calculate the percentage of pieces in the 3rd container: Percentage of pieces in container 3 = 100% * Pieces in container 3 / Total puzzle pieces Percentage of pieces in container 3 = 100% * 100 / 500 Percentage of pieces in container 3 = 100% * 0.2 Percentage of pieces in container 3 = [B]20%[/B]

The property taxes on a boat were $375. What was the tax rate if the boat was valued at $75,000?
The property taxes on a boat were $375. What was the tax rate if the boat was valued at $75,000? Tax Rate = Tax Amount / Purchase Price Tax Rate = 375 / 75,000 Tax Rate = 0.005 Tax Rates are generally expressed in percentages, so the percentage = 0.005 * 100 = [B]0.5%[/B].

The property taxes on a house were $810. What was the tax rate if the house was valued at $90,000
The property taxes on a house were $810. What was the tax rate if the house was valued at $90,000 Tax rate = Property Tax Amount/House Value Tax rate = 810/90000 [B]Tax Rate = 0.009, or as a percentage, 0.9%[/B]

The relief time provided by a standard dose of a popular children’s allergy medicine averages 7.9
The relief time provided by a standard dose of a popular children’s allergy medicine averages 7.9 hours with a standard deviation of 2.2 hours. Use Table 1. a. Determine the percentage of children who experience relief for less than 6.4 hours if the relief time follows a normal distribution. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Using our [URL='']normal distribution calculator[/URL], we get Answer = [B]0.25[/B]

The sales tax for an item was $21.50 and it cost $430 before tax. Find the sales tax rate. Write you
The sales tax for an item was $21.50 and it cost $430 before tax. Find the sales tax rate. Write your answer as a percentage. Sales tax percentage is: 21.50/430 = 0.05 To get a percentage, multiply the decimal by 100 0.05 * 100 = [B]5%[/B]

There are 24 students in a class. Three new students joined the class. Work out the percentage chang
There are 24 students in a class. Three new students joined the class. Work out the percentage change in the number of students in the class. We want to know how much an increase of 3 people is in a class of 24: 3/24 Using [URL='']our percentage/decimal calculator[/URL], we get: [B]12.5% increase[/B]

There are 250 boys and 150 girls in a school, if 60% of the boys and 40% of the girls play football,
There are 250 boys and 150 girls in a school, if 60% of the boys and 40% of the girls play football, what percentage of the school play football [U]First calculate total students:[/U] Total students = Boys + Girls Total students = 250 + 150 Total students = 400 [U]Calculate the boys that play football:[/U] Boys playing football = 60% * 250 [URL='']Boys playing football [/URL]= 150 [U]Calculate the girls that play football:[/U] Girls playing football = 40% * 150 [URL='']Girls playing football[/URL][URL=''] [/URL]= 60 [U]Calculate total people playing football[/U]: Total people playing football = Boys playing football + Girls playing football Total people playing football = 150 + 60 Total people playing football = 210 Calculate percentage of the school playing football (P): P = 100% * Total people playing football / Total Students P = 100% * [URL='']210/400[/URL] P = 100% * 0.525 P = [B]52.5%[/B]

There are 32 students in a class. Nine of those students are women. What percent are men
There are 32 students in a class. Nine of those students are women. What percent are men [U]Find the number of male students:[/U] Males = Total Students - Females Males = 32 - 9 Males = 23 [U]Calculate percentage of males:[/U] Percentage of males = 100% * Males / Total Students Percentage of males = 100% * 23 / 32 Percentage of males = 100% * 0.71875 Percentage of males = 71.88% [URL='']See this link as well[/URL]

Tom and Damian are shooting free throws. If Tom makes 7 free throws in 9 attempts, and Damian makes
Tom and Damian are shooting free throws. If Tom makes 7 free throws in 9 attempts, and Damian makes 5 free throws in 6 attempts, who has the higher relative performance? Answer this by calculating and comparing the free throw percentages of Tom and Damian. Tom makes 7/9. [URL='']Using our percentage and decimal calculator[/URL], he makes 77.78% of the free throws. Damian makes 5/6. [URL='']Using our percentage and decimal calculator[/URL], he makes 83.33% of the free throws. [B]Damian[/B] has a better free throw percentage.

Tom makes $500 in a week. If his rent is $350, his bills are $75 and groceries are $45, what percent
Tom makes $500 in a week. If his rent is $350, his bills are $75 and groceries are $45, what percentage of his money does he have leftover [U]Calculate leftover amount[/U] Leftover amount = Weekly Salary - Rent - Bills - Groceries Leftover amount = 500 - 350 - 75 - 45 Leftover amount = 30 Calculate leftover percentage Leftover percentage = 100% * Leftover amount / Weekly Salary Leftover percentage = 100% * 30 / 500 Leftover percentage = 100% * 0.06 Leftover percentage = [B]6%[/B]

Trimmed Mean and Winsorized Mean
Free Trimmed Mean and Winsorized Mean Calculator - Given a number set and a trimmed mean percentage, this will calculate the trimmed mean (truncated mean) or winsorized mean.

Vendor Discount Effective Rate of Interest
Free Vendor Discount Effective Rate of Interest Calculator - Calculates the effective rate of interest earned from a vendor discount for a prepayment of a balance within a certain amount of days for a percentage discount

Yael worked out at a gym for 2 hours. Her workout consisted of stretching for 21 minutes,jogging for
Yael worked out at a gym for 2 hours. Her workout consisted of stretching for 21 minutes,jogging for 45 minutes, and lifting weights for the remaining amount of time. What percentage of Yael’s workout was spent lifting weights? Each hour is 60 minutes, so we have 2 * 60 = 120 minutes of workout time for Yael. We subtract off the stretching and jogging time to get the time Yael lifted weights: 120 - 21 - 45 = 54 minutes

Yesterday, there were 100 problems assigned for math homework. Andrew got 20 problems correct and 80
Yesterday, there were 100 problems assigned for math homework. Andrew got 20 problems correct and 80 problems incorrect. What percentage did Andrew get correct? Correct Problems = 20/100 [URL='']Using our percentage and decimal calculator[/URL], we get [B]20%[/B]

Yesterday, there were 72 problems assigned for math homework. Austen got 18 problems correct and 54
Yesterday, there were 72 problems assigned for math homework. Austen got 18 problems correct and 54 problems incorrect. What percentage did Austen get correct? [URL='']18/72 as a percentage[/URL] is [B]25%[/B]

You borrowed $25 from your friend. You paid him back in full after 6 months. He charged $2 for inter
You borrowed $25 from your friend. You paid him back in full after 6 months. He charged $2 for interest. What was the annual simple interest rate that he charged you? Use the formula: I = Prt. We have I = 2, P = 25, t = 0.5 2 = 25(r)0.5 Divide each side by 0.5 4 = 25r Divide each side by 25 r = 4/25 [B]r = 0.16[/B] As a percentage, this is [B]16%[/B]