54 results

multiplying - to increase in number especially greatly or in multiples

1 multiplied by b squared multiplied by c squared
1 multiplied by b squared multiplied by c squared b squared means we raise b to the power of 2: b^2 c squared means we raise c to the power of 2: c^2 b squared multiplied by c squared b^2c^2 1 multiplied by b squared multiplied by c squared means we multiply 1 by b^2c^2 1b^2c^2 Multiplying by 1 can be written by [U][I]removing[/I][/U] the 1 since it's an identity multiplication: [B]b^2c^2[/B]

11 to the power of 6 multiply 11 to the power of 3
11 to the power of 6 multiply 11 to the power of 3 Take this in parts. [U]Step 1: 11 to the power of 6 means we raise 11 to the 6th power using exponents:[/U] 11^6 [U]Step 2: 11 to the power of 3 means we raise 11 to the 3rd power using exponents:[/U] 11^3 [U]Step 3: Multiply each term together:[/U] 11^6 * 11^3 [U]Step 4: Simplify[/U] Because we have 2 numbers that are the same, in this case, 11, we can add the exponents together when multiplying: 11^(6 + 3) [B]11^9 [MEDIA=youtube]gCxVq7LqyHk[/MEDIA][/B]

3 salads, 4 main dishes, and 2 desserts
3 salads, 4 main dishes, and 2 desserts Total meal combinations are found by multiplying each salad, main dish, and dessert using the fundamental rule of counting. The fundamental rule of counting states, if there are a ways of doing one thing, b ways of doing another thing, and c ways of doing another thing, than the total combinations of all the ways are found by a * b * c. With 3 salads, 4 main dishes, and 2 desserts, our total meal combinations are: 3 * 4 * 2 = [B]24 different meal combinations.[/B]

4 divided by sin60 degrees
4 divided by sin60 degrees. We can write as 4/sin(60). [URL='']Using our trigonometry calculator[/URL], we see sin(60) = sqrt(3)/2. So we have 4/sqrt(3)/2. Multiplying by the reciprocal we have: 4*2/sqrt(3) [B]8/sqrt(3)[/B]

a = v^2/r for r
a = v^2/r for r Start by cross multiplying to get r out of the denominator: ar = v^2 Divide each side of the equation by a to isolate r: ar/a = v^2/a Cancel the a's on the left side, and we get: r = [B]v^2/a[/B]

A boy is 10 years older than his brother. In 4 years he will be twice as old as his brother. Find th
A boy is 10 years older than his brother. In 4 years he will be twice as old as his brother. Find the present age of each? Let the boy's age be b and his brother's age be c. We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]b = c + 10 [*]b + 4 = 2(c + 4) [/LIST] Substitute equation (1) into equation (2): (c + 10) + 4 = 2(c + 4) Simplify by multiplying the right side through and grouping like terms: c + 14 = 2c + 8 [URL='']Type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: c = [B]6[/B] Now plug c = 6 into equation (1): b = 6 + 10 b = [B]16[/B]

A committee of 6 students are being selected from a class of 10 girls and 8 boys. How many committee
A committee of 6 students are being selected from a class of 10 girls and 8 boys. How many committees are possible if three must be girls and 3 must be boys? We want combinations. How many ways can we choose 3 boys from 8 boys: [URL='']8 choose 3[/URL] = 56 We want combinations. How many ways can we choose 3 girls from 10 girls: [URL='']10 choose 3[/URL] = 120 Our total choices are found by multiplying each event: Total committees = (8 boys choose 3) * (10 girls choose 3) Total committees = 56 * 120 Total committees = [B]6,720[/B]

A culture of bacteria doubles every hour. If there are 500 bacteria at the beginning, how many bacte
A culture of bacteria doubles every hour. If there are 500 bacteria at the beginning, how many bacteria will there be after 9 hours? Assumptions and givens; [LIST] [*]h is the number of hours. [*]B(h) is the number of bacteria at time h [*]B(0) is the starting bacteria amount [*]Doubling means multiplying by 2, so we have: [/LIST] B(h) = B(0) * 2^h We want h = 9, so we have: B(9) = 500 * 2^9 B(9) = 500 * 512 B(9) = [B]256,000[/B]

A person has $13,000 invested in stock A and stock B. Stock A currently sells for $20 a share and
A person has $13,000 invested in stock A and stock B. Stock A currently sells for $20 a share and stock B sells for $90 a share. If stock B triples in value and stock A goes up 50%, his stock will be worth $33,000. How many shares of each stock does he own? Set up the given equations, where A is the number of shares for Stock A, and B is the number of shares for Stock B [LIST=1] [*]90A + 20B = 13000 [*]3(90A) + 1.5(20B) = 33000 <-- [I]Triple means multiply by 3, and 50% gain means multiply by 1.5[/I] [/LIST] Rewrite (2) by multiplying through: 270A + 30B = 33000 Using our simultaneous equations calculator, we get [B]A = 100 and B = 200[/B]. Click the links below to solve using each method: [LIST] [*][URL='']Substitution Method[/URL] [*][URL='']Elimination Method[/URL] [*][URL='']Cramers Method[/URL] [/LIST] Check our work using equation (1) 90(100) + 20(200) ? 13,000 9000 + 4000 ? 13,000 13000 = 13000

A rectangular room is 3 times as long as it is wide, and its perimeter is 56 meters.
A rectangular room is 3 times as long as it is wide, and its perimeter is 56 meters. We're given the following: [LIST] [*]l = 3w [/LIST] We know the Perimeter (P) of a rectangle is: P = 2l + 2w Substituting l = 3w and P = 56 into this equation, we get: 2(3w) + 2w = 56 Multiplying through, we get: 6w + 2w = 56 (6 +2)w = 56 8w = 56 [URL='']Typing this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get: [B]w = 7[/B] Substitute w = 7 into l = 3w, we get: l = 3(7) [B]l = 21[/B]

A retired couple invested $8000 in bonds. At the end of one year, they received an interest payment
A retired couple invested $8000 in bonds. At the end of one year, they received an interest payment of $584. What was the simple interest rate of the bonds? For simple interest, we have: Balance * interest rate = Interest payment 8000i = 584 Divide each side of the equation by 8000 to isolate i: 8000i/8000 = 584/8000 Cancelling the 8000's on the left side, we get: i = 0.073 Most times, interest rates are expressed as a percentage. Percentage interest = Decimal interest * 100% Percentage interest = 0.073 * 100% Multiplying by 100 is the same as moving the decimal point two places right: Percentage interest = [B]7.3%[/B]

Aaron is staying at a hotel that charges $99.95 per night plus tax for a room. A tax of 8% is applie
Aaron is staying at a hotel that charges $99.95 per night plus tax for a room. A tax of 8% is applied to the room rate, and an additional onetime untaxed fee of $5.00 is charged by the hotel. Which of the following represents Aaron’s total charge, in dollars, for staying [I]x[/I] nights? [LIST] [*]The Room cost equals 99.95 times x where x is the number of rooms [*]We express an 8% tax by multiplying the room cost by 1.08 [*]Finally, we add on $5, which is [I]untaxed[/I] [/LIST] [I][/I] Take this in pieces: Room Cost: 99.95x Tax on Room 1.08(99.95x) Add on $5 which is untaxed: [B]1.08(99.95x) + 5[/B]

An angle is 30 degrees less than 5 times it's complement. Find the angle.
An angle is 30 degrees less than 5 times it's complement. Find the angle. Let the angle be a. The complement of a is 90 - a. We're given the following equation: a = 5(90 - a) - 30 <-- Less means we subtract Multiplying though, we get: a = 450 - 5a - 30 a = 420 - 5a [URL='']Typing this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get: a =[B] 70[/B]

Ande has 8 pints of milk. If he drinks 1/4 of a pint of milk each day, how long will the 8 pints of
Ande has 8 pints of milk. If he drinks 1/4 of a pint of milk each day, how long will the 8 pints of milk last him? Milk Days = Total Pints of Milk / pints drank per day Milk Days = 8 / 1/4 Dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by it's reciprocal. The [URL='']reciprocal of[/URL] 1/4 is 4/1, so we have: 8 * 4/1 = [B]32 days[/B]

Basic Math Operations
Free Basic Math Operations Calculator - Given 2 numbers, this performs the following arithmetic operations:
* Addition (Adding) (+)
* Subtraction (Subtracting) (-)
* Multiplication (Multiplying) (x)
* Long division (Dividing) with a remainder (÷)
* Long division to decimal places (÷)
* Partial Sums (Shortcut Sums)
* Short Division
* Duplication and Mediation

Bob finished reading his book in x days. Each day, he read 4 pages. His book has 28 pages
Bob finished reading his book in x days. Each day, he read 4 pages. His book has 28 pages Our equation for this is found by multiplying pages per day times number of days; 4x = 28 To solve for x, [URL='']we type the equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: x = [B]7[/B]

Danny's mom ate 1/6 of an ice cream cake. Danny and his sister want to split the remainder of it. Ho
Danny's mom ate 1/6 of an ice cream cake. Danny and his sister want to split the remainder of it. How much of the cake would each get? If Danny's mom ate 1/6 of the cake, then we have: 1 - 1/6 of the cake left. We [URL='']use our fraction subtraction calculator[/URL] for 1 - 1/6 to get: 5/6 If Danny and his sister split the remainder, then we divide 5/6 by 2. It's also the same as multiplying 5/6 by 1/2: We [URL='']use our fraction multiplication calculator[/URL] to get: [B]5/12 for Danny and his sister[/B]

Derek must choose a 4 digit PIN. Each Digit can be chosen from 0 to 9. Derek does not want to reuse
Derek must choose a 4 digit PIN. Each Digit can be chosen from 0 to 9. Derek does not want to reuse any digits. He also only wants an even number that begins with 5. How many possible PINS could he choose from? [LIST=1] [*]First digit must begin with 5. So we have 1 choice [*]We subtract 1 possible digit from digit 3 to have 8 - 1 = 7 possible digits [*]This digit can be anything other than 5 and the even number in the next step. So we have 0-9 is 10 digits - 2 = 8 possible digits [*]Last digit must end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 to be even. So we have 5 choices [/LIST] Our total choices from digits 1-4 are found by multiplying each possible digit choice: 1 * 7 * 8 * 5 = [B]280 possible PINS[/B]

Divide 73 into two parts whose product is 402
Divide 73 into two parts whose product is 40 Our first part is x Our second part is 73 - x The product of the two parts is: x(73 - x) = 40 Multiplying through, we get: -x^2 + 73x = 402 Subtract 40 from each side, we get: -x^2 + 73x - 402 = 0 This is a quadratic equation. To solve this, we type it in our search engine, choose "solve Quadratic", and we get: [LIST=1] [*]x = [B]6[/B] [*]x = [B]67[/B] [/LIST]

f - g = 1/4b for b
f - g = 1/4b for b Multiply each side of the equation by 4 to remove the 1/4 and isolate b: 4(f - g) = 4/4b 4/4 = 1, so we have: b = [B]4(f - g)[/B] [I]the key to this problem was multiplying by the reciprocal of the constant[/I]

Faith is 1/5 her mother's age. Their combined ages are 30. How old is faith?
Faith is 1/5 her mother's age. Their combined ages are 30. How old is faith? Let Faith's age be f. Let her mother's age be m. We're given: [LIST=1] [*]f = m/5 [*]f + m = 30 [/LIST] Rearrange (1) by cross-multiplying: m = 5f Substitute this into equation (2): f + 5f = 30 [URL='']Type this equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: f = [B]5[/B]

Farah rolls a fair dice and flips a fair coin. What is the probability of obtaining a 5 and a head?
Farah rolls a fair dice and flips a fair coin. What is the probability of obtaining a 5 and a head? Give your answer in its simplest form. Probability of a 5 is 1/6 Probability of a head is 1/2 Since each event is independent, we get the total probability by multiplying both together: P(5,H) = 1/6 * 1/2 P(5,H) = [B]1/12[/B]

Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Free Fractions and Mixed Numbers Calculator - Given (improper fractions, proper fraction, mixed numbers, or whole numbers), this performs the following operations:
* Addition (Adding)
* Subtraction (Subtracting)
* Positive Difference (Absolute Value of the Difference)
* Multiplication (Multiplying)
* Division (Dividing: complex fraction division is included)
* Compare Fractions
* Simplifying of proper and improper fractions as well as mixed numbers. Fractions will be reduced down as far as possible (Reducing Fractions).
* Reciprocal of a Fraction
* Find all fractions between two fractions
* reduce a fraction

Given y= 4/3x what is the constant of proportionality
Given y= 4/3x what is the constant of proportionality Direct variation means the constant of proportionality is y/x. Cross multiplying, we get: y/x = [B]4/3[/B]

How many 1/4 sheets are there in 5 sheets
How many 1/4 sheets are there in 5 sheets We divide 5 sheets by 1/4 sheets: 5/1/4 However, when we divide by a fraction, it's the same as multiplying by the reciprocal of the fraction: The reciprocal of 1/4 is 4/1, so we have: 5 * 4/1 = 20/1 = [B]20[/B]

How many one-fifths are there in 200?
How many one-fifths are there in 200? Using the rule of dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal, we have: 200 / 1/5 = 200 * 5 = [B]1000[/B]

If 25% of 30% of x is 9, what is x?
If 25% of 30% of x is 9, what is x? Convert percentages to decimals when multiplying: 25% = 0.25 30% = 0.3 0.25 * 0.3 * x = 9 0.075x = 9 Using our math engine, we [URL='']type this equation in[/URL] and we get: x = [B]120 [MEDIA=youtube]5EwNxiBdLu0[/MEDIA][/B]

If half the number is added to twice the number, the answer is 50
If half the number is added to twice the number, the answer is 50. Let the number be n. Half is also written as 0.5, and twice is written by multiplying by 2. We have: 0.5n + 2n = 50 [URL='']Plugging this equation into our search engine[/URL], we get: [B]n = 20[/B]

In 2000 a company increased its workforce by 50%. In 2001 it decreased its workforce by 50%. How doe
In 2000 a company increased its workforce by 50%. In 2001 it decreased its workforce by 50%. How does the size of its workforce at the end of 2001 compare with the size of the workforce at the beginning of 2000? Let w be the size of the workforce before any changes. We have: [LIST] [*]w(2000) = w(1999) * 1.5 [I](50% increase is the same as multiplying by 1.5)[/I] [*]w(2001) = w(2000)/1.5 [I](50% decrease is the same as dividing by 1.5)[/I] [/LIST] Substitute the first equation back into the second equation w(2001) = w(1999) * 1.5/1.5 Cancel the 1.5 on top and bottom w(2001) = w(1999) This means the workforce had [B]zero net change[/B] from the beginning of 2000 to the end of 2001.

In this class of 4/5 students are right handed. if there are 20 right handed students, what is the t
In this class of 4/5 students are right handed. if there are 20 right handed students, what is the total number of students in this class? Let x be the total number of students in the class. We have: 4/5x = 20 Cross multiplying or using our [URL='']equation calculator[/URL], we get: 4x = 100 Divide each side by 4 [B]x = 25[/B]

Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out the year. What percent of the year did he work?
Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out the year. What percent of the year did he work? We know that there are 12 months in a year. Percentage worked = Months worked in a year / months in a year * 100% Percentage worked = 7/12 * 100% Percentage worked = 0.5833333 * 100% Multiplying by 100 means we shift the decimal place 2 spaces to the right: Percentage worked = [B]58.33%[/B]

Kendra is half as old as Morgan and 3 years younger than Lizzie. The total of their ages is 39. How
Kendra is half as old as Morgan and 3 years younger than Lizzie. The total of their ages is 39. How old are they? Let k be Kendra's age, m be Morgan's age, and l be Lizzie's age. We're given: [LIST=1] [*]k = 0.5m [*]k = l - 3 [*]k + l + m = 39 [/LIST] Rearranging (1) by multiplying each side by 2, we have: m = 2k Rearranging (2) by adding 3 to each side, we have: l = k + 3 Substituting these new values into (3), we have: k + (k + 3) + (2k) = 39 Group like terms: (k + k + 2k) + 3 = 39 4k + 3 = 39 [URL='']Type this equation into the search engine[/URL], and we get: [B]k = 9 [/B] Substitute this back into (1), we have: m = 2(9) [B]m = 18 [/B] Substitute this back into (2), we have: l = (9) + 3 [B][B]l = 12[/B][/B]

Layla buys 2 1/2pounds of chocolate for 3.50 how much is she paying for a pound of chocolate
Layla buys 2 1/2pounds of chocolate for 3.50 how much is she paying for a pound of chocolate? [URL='']Using our mixed fraction converter[/URL], 2&1/2 = 5/2 Cost per pound = 3.50 / 5/2 pounds Dividing by 5/2 is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal 2/5: 3.50 * 2/5 7/5 [B]$1.40 per pound[/B]

M/n = p-6 for m
M/n = p-6 for m Solve this literal equation by multiplying each side by n to isolate M: Mn/n = n(p - 6) Cancelling the n terms on the left side, we get: [B]M = n(p - 6)[/B]

multiply 9 by the quotient of 4 and z
multiply 9 by the quotient of 4 and z Quotient of 4 and z is written as: 4/z Multiply this quotient by 9: 9(4)/z Multiplying the top, we get: [B]36/z[/B]

Multiply a number by 6 and subtracting 6 gives the same result as multiplying the number by 3 and su
Multiply a number by 6 and subtracting 6 gives the same result as multiplying the number by 3 and subtracting 4. Find the number The phrase [I]a number [/I]means an arbitrary variable, let's call it x. multiply a number by 6 and subtract 6: 6x - 6 Multiply a number by 3 and subtract 4: 3x - 4 The phrase [I]gives the same result[/I] means an equation. So we set 6x - 6 equal to 3x - 4 6x - 6 = 3x - 4 To solve this equation for x, we type it in our search engine and we get: x = [B]2/3[/B]

Multiplying a number by 6 is equal to the number increased by 9
Multiplying a number by 6 is equal to the number increased by 9. The phrase [I]a number[/I] means an arbitrary variable, let's call it x. Multiply it by 6 --> 6x We set this equal to the same number increased by 9. Increased by means we add: [B]6x = x + 9 <-- This is our algebraic expression [/B] To solve this equation, we [URL='']type it into the search engine [/URL]and get x = 1.8.

Penny bought a new car for $25,000. The value of the car has decreased in value at rate of 3% each
Penny bought a new car for $25,000. The value of the car has decreased in value at rate of 3% each year since. Let x = the number of years since 2010 and y = the value of the car. What will the value of the car be in 2020? Write the equation, using the variables above, that represents this situation and solve the problem, showing the calculation you did to get your solution. Round your answer to the nearest whole number. We have the equation y(x): y(x) = 25,000(0.97)^x <-- Since a 3 % decrease is the same as multiplying the starting value by 0.97 The problem asks for y(2020). So x = 2020 - 2010 = 10. y(10) = 25,000(0.97)^10 y(10) = 25,000(0.73742412689) y(10) = [B]18,435.60[/B]

Sally and Adam works a different job. Sally makes $5 per hour and Adam makes $4 per hour. They each
Sally and Adam works a different job. Sally makes $5 per hour and Adam makes $4 per hour. They each earn the same amount per week but Adam works 2 more hours. How many hours a week does Adam work? [LIST] [*]Let [I]s[/I] be the number of hours Sally works every week. [*]Let [I]a[/I] be the number of hours Adam works every week. [*]We are given: a = s + 2 [/LIST] Sally's weekly earnings: 5s Adam's weekly earnings: 4a Since they both earn the same amount each week, we set Sally's earnings equal to Adam's earnings: 5s = 4a But remember, we're given a = s + 2, so we substitute this into Adam's earnings: 5s = 4(s + 2) Multiply through on the right side: 5s = 4s + 8 <-- [URL='']multiplying 4(s + 2)[/URL] [URL='']Typing this equation into the search engine[/URL], we get s = 8. The problem asks for Adam's earnings (a). We plug s = 8 into Adam's weekly hours: a = s + 2 a = 8 + 2 [B]a = 10[/B]

Sarah makes $9 per hour working at a daycare center and $12 per hour working at a restaurant. Next
Sarah makes $9 per hour working at a daycare center and $12 per hour working at a restaurant. Next week, Sarah is scheduled to work 8 hours at the daycare center. Which of the following inequalities represents the number of hours (h) that Sandra needs to work at the restaurant next week to earn at least $156 from these two jobs? Set up Sarah's earnings function E(h) where h is the hours Sarah must work at the restaurant: 12h + 9(8) >= 156 <-- The phrase [I]at least[/I] means greater than or equal to, so we set this up as an inequality. Also, the daycare earnings are $9 per hour * 8 hours Multiplying through and simplifying, we get: 12h + 72 >= 156 We [URL='']type this inequality into the search engine[/URL], and we get: [B]h>=7[/B]

Solve 100 / 1/2
Solve 100 / 1/2 Dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal of the fraction: [URL='']Reciprocal of 1/2[/URL] = 2 100 * 2 = [B]200[/B]

The average height of a family of 6 is 6 feet. After the demise of the mother, the average height re
The average height of a family of 6 is 6 feet. After the demise of the mother, the average height remained the same. What is the height of the mother? [LIST] [*]Let the height of the family without the mom be f. Let the height of the mother be m. [*]Averages mean we add the heights and divide by the number of people who were measured. [/LIST] We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*](f + m)/6 = 6 [*]f/5 = 6 [/LIST] Cross multiplying equation (2), we get: f = 5 * 6 f = 30 Plug f = 30 into equation (1), we get: (30 + m)/6 = 6 Cross multiplying, we get: m + 30 = 6 * 6 m + 30 = 36 To solve this equation for m, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: m = [B]6[/B] [SIZE=3][FONT=Arial][COLOR=rgb(34, 34, 34)][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

The dimensions of a rectangle are 30 cm and 18 cm. When its length decreased by x cm and its width i
The dimensions of a rectangle are 30 cm and 18 cm. When its length decreased by x cm and its width is increased by x cm, its area is increased by 35 sq. cm. a. Express the new length and the new width in terms of x. b. Express the new area of the rectangle in terms of x. c. Find the value of x. Calculate the current area. Using our [URL='']rectangle calculator with length = 30 and width = 18[/URL], we get: A = 540 a) Decrease length by x and increase width by x, and we get: [LIST] [*]length = [B]30 - x[/B] [*]width = [B]18 + x[/B] [/LIST] b) Our new area using the lw = A formula is: (30 - x)(18 + x) = 540 + 35 Multiplying through and simplifying, we get: 540 - 18x + 30x - x^2 = 575 [B]-x^2 + 12x + 540 = 575[/B] c) We have a quadratic equation. To solve this, [URL='']we type it in our search engine, choose solve[/URL], and we get: [B]x = 5 or x = 7[/B] Trying x = 5, we get: A = (30 - 5)(18 + 5) A = 25 * 23 A = 575 Now let's try x = 7: A = (30 - 7)(18 + 7) A = 23 * 25 A = 575 They both check out. So we can have

The mean height of a class of 20 children is 1.27 the mean height of 12 boys in the class is 1.29 wh
The mean height of a class of 20 children is 1.27 the mean height of 12 boys in the class is 1.29 what is the mean height of the girls in the class? The mean of sums is the sum of means. So we have: Total Height / 20 = 1.27 Cross multiplying, we get: Total Height = 20 * 1.27 Total Height = 25.4 Boys Height / 12 = 1.29 Cross multiplying, we get: Boys Height = 12 * 1.29 Boys Height = 15.48 The Problem asks for mean height for girls. The formula is: Girls Height / # of Girls = Mean of Girls Height # of Girls = Total children - # of boys # of Girls = 20 - 12 # of Girls = 8 Girls Height = Total Height - Boys Height Girls Height = 25.4 - 15.48 Girls Height = 9.92 Plugging this into the Mean of girls height, we get: 9.92 /8 = [B]1.24[/B]

The perimeter of a poster is 20 feet. The poster is 6 feet tall. How wide is it?
The perimeter of a poster is 20 feet. The poster is 6 feet tall. How wide is it? [U]Assumptions and givens:[/U] [LIST] [*]The poster has a rectangle shape [*]l = 6 [*]P = 20 [*]The perimeter of a rectangle (P) is: 2l + 2w = P [/LIST] Plugging in our l and P values, we get: 2(6) + 2w = 20 Multiplying through and simplifying, we get: 12 + 2w = 20 To solve for w, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine [/URL]and we get: w = [B]4[/B]

the result of quadrupling a number is 80
the result of quadrupling a number is 80 Let our number be x. Quadrupling any number means multiplying it by 4. We have: 4x = 80 [URL='']Typing this problem into our search engine[/URL], we get: [B]x = 20[/B]

The sum of the ages of levi and renee is 89 years. 7 years ago levi's age was 4 times renees age. Ho
The sum of the ages of levi and renee is 89 years. 7 years ago levi's age was 4 times renees age. How old is Levi now? Let Levi's current age be l. Let Renee's current age be r. Were given two equations: [LIST=1] [*]l + r = 89 [*]l - 7 = 4(r - 7) [/LIST] Simplify equation 2 by multiplying through: [LIST=1] [*]l + r = 89 [*]l - 7 = 4r - 28 [/LIST] Rearrange equation 1 to solve for r and isolate l by subtracting l from each side: [LIST=1] [*]r = 89 - l [*]l - 7 = 4r - 28 [/LIST] Now substitute equation (1) into equation (2): l - 7 = 4(89 - l) - 28 l - 7 = 356 - 4l - 28 l - 7 = 328 - 4l To solve for l, we [URL='']type the equation into our search engine[/URL] and we get: l = [B]67[/B]

triple the sum of y and six
The sum of y and six is denoted as: y + 6 We triple that sum by multiplying it by 3 3(y + 6)

two numbers have an average of 2100 and one number is $425 more than the other number. What are the
two numbers have an average of 2100 and one number is $425 more than the other number. What are the numbers Let the first number be x and the second number be y. We're given two equations: [LIST=1] [*](x + y)/2 = 2100 (Average) [*]y = x + 425 [/LIST] Rearrange equation (1) by cross multiplying x + y = 2 * 2100 x + y = 4200 So we have our revised set of equations: [LIST=1] [*]x + y = 4200 [*]y = x + 425 [/LIST] Substituting equation (2) into equation (1) for y, we get: x + (x + 425) = 4200 Combining like terms, we get: 2x + 425 = 4200 Using our [URL='']equation solver[/URL], we get: x = [B]1887.5[/B] Which means using equation (2), we get y = 1887.5 + 425 y = [B]2312.5[/B]

what integer is tripled when 9 is added to 3 fourths of it?
what integer is tripled when 9 is added to 3 fourths of it? Let the integer be n. Tripling an integer means multiplying it by 3. We're given: 3n = 3n/4 + 9 Since 3 = 12/4, we have: 12n/4 = 3n/4 + 9 Subtract 3n/4 from each side: 9n/4 = 9 [URL='']Typing this equation into the search engine[/URL], we get: [B]n = 4[/B]

What is the inverse of dividing by 3
What is the inverse of dividing by 3 [B]Multiplying by 3[/B] Suppose we have 2 divided by 3: 2/3 To undo this operation to get to 2 again, we'd multiply by 3: 2/3 * 3 = 2

What is the value of 998^2 – 2^2?
A) 988,036 B) 990,000 C) 995,988 D) 996,000 E) 1,000,000 This is a difference of squares. The formula for 2 numbers a and b is: a^2 - b^2 = (a + b)(a - b) In our problem, we have a = 998 and b = 2: 998^2 – 2^2 = (998 + 2)(998 - 2) 998^2 – 2^2 = 1000(996) Multiplying by 1000 means we move the decimal place of the other number 3 places to the right: 998^2 – 2^2 = [B]996,000 or Answer D [MEDIA=youtube]IeKLs8Ds-No[/MEDIA][/B]

When five people are playing a game called hearts, each person is dealt ten cards and the two remain
When five people are playing a game called hearts, each person is dealt ten cards and the two remaining cards are put face down on a table. Because of the rules of the game, it is very important to know the probability of either of the two cards being a heart. What is the probability that at least one card is a heart? Probability that first card is not a heart is 3/4 since 4 suits in the deck, hearts are 1/4 of the deck. Since we don't replace cards, the probability of the next card drawn without a heart is (13*3 - 1)/51 = 38/51 Probability of both cards not being hearts is found by multiplying both individual probabilities: 3/4 * 38/51 = 114/204 Having at least one heart is found by subtracting this from 1 which is 204/204: 204/204 - 114/204 = 90/204 [URL='']This reduces to[/URL] [B]15/34[/B]

Zalika thinks of a number. She subtracts 6 then multiplies the result by 5. The answer is the same a
Zalika thinks of a number. She subtracts 6 then multiplies the result by 5. The answer is the same as subtracting 5 from the number then multiplying by 4. The phrase [I]a number[/I] means an arbitrary variable, let's call it x. We're given two expressions in relation to this number (x): [U]She subtracts 6 then multiplies the result by 5[/U] [LIST] [*]Subtract 6: x - 6 [*]Multiply the result by 5: 5(x - 6) [/LIST] [U]She subtracts 5 from the number then multiplying by 4[/U] [LIST] [*]Subtract 6: x - 5 [*]Multiply the result by 5: 4(x - 5) [/LIST] Finally, the expression [I]is the same as[/I] means an equation, so we set the first expression equal to the second expression to make the following equation: 5(x - 6) = 4(x - 5) Now, let's solve the equation for x. To do this, we [URL='']type this equation into our search engine [/URL]and we get: x = [B]10[/B]